One of the accounts that @owandsworth frequently retweets is that of @JSPPind, who claims to be a halal butcher on Upper Tooting Road. But is this really the case? Let’s take a look. 1/8
The @JSPPind account claims to be owned by a John Singh Pajinder. ‘Singh’ was mandated in the 18th century for all male Sikhs. You can read about that here —>  2/8
The @JSPPind account claims to be that of a halal butcher. ‘Halal food’ is that which adheres to Islamic law, as defined in the Koran. You can read about that here —> 3/8
27% of British Sikhs are vegetarian. Sikhs who eat meat have their own rite (Jhatka). Strictly, halal meat is forbidden. It seems unlikely that a Sikh would operate a halal butcher. 4/8
The @JSPPind account claims to ‘have #hmc quality to your doorstep.’ @HMC_UK certifies 7 butchers on Upper Tooting Road. None of them run the @JSPPind account.’ There is no 'John Singh Pajinder’ registered with Companies House. 5/8
The account @JSPPind makes frequent reference to #pind as a place, but their usage is incorrect. They also refer to ‘tribal leaders’ but this is no longer how Punjabis are organised. A Sikh would know these things. 6/8
The account @JSPPind claims not to ’speak good English’ but their vocabulary contains ‘Gentrified NIMBYS’, ‘Duplitous hypocrite’, ‘drama queen’, and ‘cockwomble.’ 7/8
We could go on, but it is better to share our remaining evidence with the police, which is what we will do. In the meantime, we suggest that nobody retweet or interact with this account. 8/8
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