I am deeply allergic to cooking smells and onion and garlic due to #MCAS. To accommodate me, my family set up a full second kitchen (with a stove, toaster, instant pot) on our closed in porch. Every day they turn a portable heater on (we live in MA and it's cold) 1/3
And food prep/cook/eat out there. Accommodations can be acts of love. They do it without asking, without complaining, without frustration. Just because they love me. And maybe I shouldn't feel so lucky for that, but I absolutely do. 2/3
I frequently experience ableism and barriers to access in public. It is a huge relief to be properly accommodated at home where I'm sheltering for the pandemic. And it shows that individuals CAN make the world accessible. It just takes a little love. 3/3 #DisabilityTwitter
And of course financial security. My family is able to accommodate me because they're middle class and my dad is a very good handyman. He rewired our house to accommodate a second hand stove on the porch and traded labor with friends who brought the necessary tools.
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