"Why should we trust Joe Biden when he suggests he can do a better job? All you have to do is look back on his 47 years in political life to determine whether you think he is suddenly capable of putting the American people first," said FLOTUS, echoing her Trump's line of attack.
Well, Mel, we freaking did. We saw an early adopter of reaching out to the Black community--perfectly? No, but he was trying when others were not. We saw the man who passed the violence against women act. A man who made mistakes, owned them, & did better. Had the single most
productive partnership between a POTUS & VEEP ever, he brought his A game & always had Obama's back. The VEEP whose work was directly responsible for pulling us out of the recession & helped build the strong economy Trump treated like his inheritance--blew it all.
A man who lost his wife his baby girl in a car accident, he managed to put parenting first while serving this nation.

We've looked at him. We've studied him. We know he is one of the best shots we have of getting us back on the right track.

People must understand,
even if #COVID19 vanished, there is no going back to the world before the pandemic. The world has changed, and we have to learn to navigate it.

And Trump, McConnell, horrid as they may be, are SYMPTOMS. The disease is almost half the country is OK with the following:
1. More than 1 quarter of American are dead DIRECTLY from COVID & it's believed to be about a 30ish% undercount

2. There are more #COVID19 related deaths that aren't included

3. People are not just ok taking their own risks, but endangering others

4. Insane unemployment rates
5. People who've raided college funds and retirement to survive unemployment

6. Forbearance mortgages come due & will break many

7. Their family & friends have gotten ill, some died, when they didn't need to

8. #COVIDdeaths will continue for YEARS
9. You contracted by shook it off or did not get sick? Doesn't matter, welcome to the world of pre-existing conditions

10. Open season on Black Americans will continue for a while until we can get things under control

11. Open hatred of "Others" will continue--in a sick way,
this is good. America became complacent, and now we are confronted with how little we've changed

12. There will be fewer white collar jobs. Professions on the cusp won't come back. Businesses on the cusp won't either

13. We have a nation suffering from PTSD
14. How the government, checks and balances, SCOTUS are handled WILL change. The EC WILL change. We see that "tradition" means jack to someone who respects nothing.

15. This nation is a family on life support. In many ways, psychologically, we are as divided as post Civil War
16. Melania, your husband either created, allowed, or was too self-involved to stop these things. He saw them as to his advantage. Four more years will destroy us. And you.

17. So, based on Biden's record, we're very comfortable with his leading us out of the war zone
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