*Everyone* falls for disinformation. No one is immune. We all have fallen victim to fake news/disinformation. In the next few days it's even more imperative that we all are vigilant about the dangers of spreading dis/misinformation, & familiarize ourselves with how to spot it. https://twitter.com/JaneLytv/status/1323390891332173825
Confirmation bias is an ingrained part of our cognitive thought process. We're all inclined to subconsciously believe information which conforms with our preconceived values & beliefs. Those who peddle in disinfo understand this & use it to their advantage. https://www.psychologytoday.com/ie/blog/psych-unseen/201904/what-makes-people-believe-in-conspiracy-theories
If you're interested in understanding what fake news is being peddled in the run up to the US election I'd recommend following @BrandyZadrozny, Ireland's own @donie & of course @JaneLytv, who wrote the excellent thread of disinformation resources above.
You can follow @artimusfoul.
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