looks like Morrison wants to give the defence minister - a proxy for the prime minister - authority to override the executive council - which is probably a proxy authority to override reserve powers of the GG - as well as the reserve powers of the states.
looks like the whoever backgrounded Anthony Galloway and Rob Harris back in August *cough*Morrison staffers* understated the, um, shall we say, ambition of the boss too.
don’t say I never tell yas nothing. This stuff sounded either conspiracist or extreme cynicism when I started predicting it, based on Morrison’s ministerial record. Now it is normalised. Which is nice for Morrison, living the martial law dream he has plotted since 2010. https://twitter.com/imusing/status/1319176301438095361
I even dealt with the yeah the plans I predict Morrison is making might sound pretty extreme but also here is the evidence back in August.
increased recruitment, equipment and funding for volunteer fire fighters and SES would be the most logical, efficient and smart, community-based operational approach, given the Premiers record on Covid is mostly exemplary and achieved despite Morrison’s attempts at wrecking.
volunteer SES and fire brigades KNOW THEIR COMMUNITIES and the firegrounds, access roads, danger spots, localised attitudes and responsiveness etc etc but Morrison wants his domestic deployment of the military, so why do what would work a thousand times better.
anyway fuck anyone who goes along with this executive power grab by the Morrison government. Yes, it is that bad. No, it is not okay. We don’t need more armed forces, we need LESS BURNING COAL.
your regular reminder that current Morrison government policy is to expand fossil fuel extraction, increase emissions, accelerate climate catastrophe, pretend there are techtopian solutions, and send in the army. Media commentators call this “no climate policy”.
also, adding layers of authority inevitably causes additional fuckups at some point. Sending in army reservists where police, SES and RFS are on site, local people who have worked together for years, is a chain-of-command disaster waiting to happen and will cost lives.
but Scott daddy was a policeman Morrison will get his military command fantasy so swings and roundabouts hey.
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