OK, I'm taking part on @gumroad's #14DayProduct challenge!

I'm bite late but my product's skeleton already exists. (I've been working on it for personal use.)

Follow my journey here 👇
For several months now, I've started collecting onboarding emails from top SaaS companies.

At first, I was doing this to benchmark best practices and to find inspiration for my daily work. (I'm a Growth Marketer).
But to be honest, I keep doing it foremost because I love emails and I truly believe in this marketing/growth channel. 

I'm a big fan of email copywriting 💌 I've spent so many hours reading at @lovevalgeisler's blog and @kevanlee's emails teardown.
My initial process was to subscribe to SaaS product as a free user and then copy/paste the emails that I received in a Notion, so as not to forget them.

Over time, it quickly became an organized email collection in which I regularly pick up ideas for my projects.
The collection is now classified by categories according to the user journey.

It contains: welcome emails, education emails, activation emails, trial expiration emails, upgrade emails, survey emails, retention emails, cancellation emails and dunning emails.

On top of that, I've aggregated some key informations for each email: when is it sent? from who? what is the main CTA? what principle of persuasion is used?

To give you some numbers, this collection now indexes a total of 140+ curated email copies 💌
From today, I decided to convert this personal knowledge base into a product for the  #14DayProduct challenge.

The first questions that come to mind are:

1/ Will anyone be interested? 
2/ Can it be sold? How? 
3/ From where to start?
4/ How long it will take me?
1/ Will anyone be interested? 

I don't know. But I've found similar initiatives that got some traffic in the past: 
http://goodemailcopy.com  (from  @frontapp
http://goodsalesemails.com  (from @amplemarket)
http://greatemailcopy.tumblr.com  (from  @CustomerIO)

2/ Can it be sold? How? 

I guess so 🤔

I'm pondering to create and sell an Airtable database indexing all the email copies.

Taking inspiration of @cogentgene, @quentinvllrd and @jakobgreenfeld who are already selling similar products remarkably 🔥
3/ From where to start?

Since I already started the database creation, I need to focus on the assets to market the product 🧰

- Choose name + buy domain 
- Build website + messaging 
- Define pricing 
- Add the product to @gumroad
- Promote it (find an audience)
4/ How long it will take me?

I don't put pressure on myself with the #14DayProduct challenge's deadline.

I'm a full time employee. Therefore I'll work on it only during my free time.

My personal goal is to achieve this project in less than 20 hours 💪⏳
Let's see how it goes!

I will share with you more details of my progress in this thread.

Stay tuned ✌️
You can follow @GGieri.
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