I’ve been letting some thoughts marinate all day while I was working, so bear with me.
I read some moving words this morning from a fellow Christ follower that hit close to home. The ache that lives in my heart from watching friends & family that are Christians 1/
embrace Trump and all that he stands for runs deep. Not having the words to talk to them about what their embracing him does to their witness is frustrating. Many of us believers have felt isolated the last few years. What we’ve been taught and what we’ve tried to live out 2/
has been made a mockery of. We’ve watched as commandments have been broken time and time again. We’ve watched as prominent leaders in the Church have made excuses for his behavior. We’ve watched as all of the Biblical truths we hold dear have been sold at the altar of politics 3/
and for what?? A damaged witness to the world.
As the pandemic looms on, we’re told by other Christians that we don’t trust God enough if we wear a mask. We’re told we don’t have enough faith that God will protect us from the virus. We’re told that following social distancing 4/
guidelines for churches is persecution. We’re told that to not meet in person in a particular building for worship is persecution and that the virus shouldn’t prevent us from having our way. We’re told if we don’t vote for Trump we’re not Christians. They’ve shown us that, 5/
for them, pro-life only extends to life in the womb. They’ve let us know that all others who suffer and are made in the image of God don’t really matter because we *must* make abortion illegal. They’ve declared with authority that doesn’t belong to them that 6/
their candidate is truly God’s chosen one.
It’s all so heartbreaking and we can’t help but grow weary. Where is Jesus in all of this that they continue to show us?
Now for my thoughts. I’ve long said that what they claim is persecution is not in fact persecution. I believe 7/
that. They aren’t being killed or even jailed because they’re Christians.
The rest of us Christ followers have been cast aside by them. So my thought that came to me this morning is, it is actually us outcasts who have suffered during all of this. 8/
We’ve been driven from churches. We’ve been exiled from the faith communities we’ve spent years in where we thought we had real relationships. We’ve been alienated from our families. We’ve been so lonely at times. So maybe our suffering is God’s plan in all of this. 9/
Maybe we have learned through all of this what loving others really means and how it should look. Maybe we have learned to pray in a whole new way putting God and others before ourselves. Maybe we’ve learned what the Church is *not* supposed to look like. 10/
Maybe it us, the exiled outcasts who will help bring about real revival. Maybe out of these ashes comes a beauty we never dreamed possible. Maybe we’ve become better Christ followers and therefore better people. I pray that it is so. 11/
I leave you with this.
“But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear their threats ; do not be frightened.” 1 Peter 3:14
Keep doing what’s right and bearing a true witness to the world.
My love to all of you. /end
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