When my late father-in-law served in Canadian forces during Korean war, Chinese loudspeakers would broadcast propaganda messages to entice defectors. Years later, he recalled one of them ... 1/x https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1323377677974294530
"Cross over to our lines," the loudspeakers blared, "and we guarantee you will have bread everyday."

The Chinese were inadvertently revealing how miserably poor and hungry their own army was. Bread as a selling point? Really? 2/x
Messaging done wrong communicates weakness and fear.

Weakness and fear is what the Trump twitter account has been communicating all day.

It's bad enough news for an incumbent when he must go negative on an opponent rather than positive on the incumbent's record. But 3/x
... negative attacks do need some veneer of plausibility. These final hour messages just sound not even crazy, only pathetic.

"Bread every day!"

No thanks, we're good. - END -
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