Billions in public funds have awarded in PPE contracts since the start of the pandemic, often to woefully unfit or politically adjacent entities, and without any official oversight.

Below we take a look back at 20 of the most shocking revelations uncovered since March:
5. Pestfix - £345.7 million:

A third of a million of public money spent on a acquiring gowns, (faulty) face masks, and gloves from a company with no background in PPE supply and no material assets, with at least 5 further contracts yet to be uncovered.
13. Alpha Solway - £11 million:

Six further PPE contracts issued to Globus Shetland owner Haraldur Agustsson, bringing the total won by his collective firms since the start of the pandemic up to £104 million.
Our friends at @BylineTimes, @GoodLawProject, and @openDemocracy have been diligently uncovering worrying contracts for months.

With new agreements still being issued, the scale of the problem is only truly coming to light now, so join @allthecitizens and help us uncover more:
If reading about these contracts concerned you, and if you want to be a part of the effort to hold our government to account, have a look at our thread to find out how you can get involved in scrutinising the deals our government is making with our money:
You can follow @allthecitizens.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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