Maybe I’m crazy, but I feel like a lot of western JRPG fans over romanticize the JRPG scene of the 90s-early 00s. And to be fair I can’t really blame them. A lot of what we got was deliverately cherrypicked by publishers. There’s so much of that genre we never got to experience.
A lot of people like to say the SNES was the best JRPG system but is it truly accurate to say that when many of us are only making that claim based on our experience with about 5 notable titles out of however many were released by during that system’s life span worldwide?
I have nothing against people who genuinely like the SNES but I just wish that statements about an entire genre weren’t almost entirely centered around the “exceptions”. We need to be looking at the genre as a whole, which means the good, the bad and everything in between.
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