
The best description of the logic behind British Zionists accusing Jeremy Corbyn of 'anti-Semitism' or Clintonite centrists accusing Bernie Sanders of "sexism" is a passage from Hunter S. Thompson's book Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail.

"During one of Lyndon Johnson’s congressional campaigns he decided to spread a rumor that his opponent was a pig-fucker. LBJ’s campaign manager said, “Lyndon, you know he doesn’t do that!” Johnson replied, “I know. I just want to make him deny it.”

Hunter S. Thompson

Unlike conservatives, leftists really are opposed to sexism and anti-Semitism and in an imperialist country like the USA or the UK, there's bound to be plenty of both on all sides of the political spectrum. So leftists paralyze themselves with their own introspection.

They demand of themselves a "purity" conservatives or neoliberals would never demand of themselves. They decide that unless they're perfect on questions of sexism and anti-Semitism that they suddenly have a unique "problem."

They become suckers who fall for any bad faith criticism any charlatan who can claim some "authenticity" can throw at them. Third party observers rightfully look at them with contempt and decide to embrace the far-right out of sheer nihilism.
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