If you're looking for a break from the sadness of the loss of @rachelcaine, pick up one of her books and give it a read. Currently a ton of her works are on sale in ebook format. Here are a list:
Prince of Shadows is currently $1.99
Morganville 1-3 (Glass Houses, The Dead Girls' Dance, and Midnight Alley) are all currently $1.99
Stillhouse Lake 1-4 (Stillhouse Lake, Killman Creek, Wolfhunter River, and Bitter Falls) are currently $1.99 with book 5, Heartbreak Bay, up for preorder for just $3.99
The Great Library 1-3 (Ink and Bone, Paper and Fire, and Ash and Quill) are currently $1.99
Ill Wind, the Weather Wardens #1, is currently $2.99
Working Stiff, the Revivalist #1, is currently $2.99
Undone, Outcast Season #1, is currently on sale for $2.99
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