"Every gift buy the length of years"
A comprehensive look at the events and speculation surrounding JFK Jr
When I started this, I tried to keep this in mind.

When you want to believe something is true, try to prove it's not.
When you want to believe something false, try to prove that it's true.
A girlfriend asked me what I thought about the idea that John Kennedy Jr might be alive. That was the first I had heard about it and I honestly had no opinion of it, didn't know why anyone would believe that and asked her why it would even matter.
Her response was that he would be the one person that could unify the left and right so we could all come together to support him. I thought she was pretty far out there but with exactly zero expectations one way or the other, I thought I'd have a look.
I'm going to explore this in 3 parts.

*The events as reported at the time
*The theory that he was murdered
*The speculation that he survived
Part 1
John's first plane - Tail number N529JK is a tribute to his father, his birthday 5/29
He began flying 17 years before the crash and had 400 hours experience in this plane
His second plane was a
Piper Saratoga II HP
owned since April 30th/ 40 flight hours in this plane/ bought used
Tail number N9253N - His dads birthday backwards. Some refer to 'think mirror'
The timeline of the official story
Friday, July 16, 1999, 8:38 PM
The evening of Fri July 16th, 1999, John, Carolyn and her sister Lauren Bessette took off for Martha’s Vineyard.
Friday, July 16, 1999, 9:41 PM
The story is told that the weather turned bad, he wasn't capable of
flying in those conditions, he became disoriented and crashed.
Friday, July 16, 1999, 10:05 PM
The search began with the plane being reported missing to the FAA. It seemed, based on the timeline, as though they weren't eager to begin the search or to look in the correct area.
Saturday, July 17, 1999, 2:00 AM
Not getting anywhere with the FAA, the Kennedy's reporting it missing to the Coast Guard
Saturday, July 17, 1999, 4:00 AM
The Coast Guard began the search
Monday, Jul 19, 1999, 1:00 PM
The NOAA vessel, Rude, finally located fragments of Kennedy's
plane using side-scan sonar
Tuesday, July 20, 1999, 11:30 AM
The salvage ship, USNS Grasp (T-ARS-51), identified the plane's fuselage (the main body of an aircraft). Navy divers found parts of the plane spread over a large debris field.
Wednesday, July 21, 1999, 2:30 PM
recovered the bodies of Kennedy and the Bessette sisters
Wednesday, July 21, 1999, 4:00 PM
The bodies were taken to the county medical examiner's office. Autopsies on the evening of July 21 performed by the county medical examiner's office found that all three had died upon
impact and the bodies were immediately cremated by Doane, Beal and Ames funeral home.
Thursday, July 22, 1999, 9:20 AM
Departing at 9:20 for the midday service, approx 15 members of the Kennedy family and the crew of the Briscoe headed to a spot a few miles from the crash site to
carry out John Kennedy Jr's request for a burial at sea.
Then the investigation began. The FAA, the NTSB, the FBI and many independent investigators

Part 2 - The theory of foul play.
The official story falls short of explaining many things about the crash and there are many
inconsistencies which led to speculation at the time that there was foul play. There were only 2 scenarios until 2018. He either crashed and died or the plane was sabotaged and he was murdered. Some of the things that were never really answered definitively were whether or not
flight instructor was on board, weather conditions, why the battery was removed from flight recorders, where was the missing flight log, and whether or not he even filed a flight plan. Everything I found said he would have followed protocols and that he almost always had an
instructor, especially since he was just recovering from a foot injury. There are also many articles with contradicting stories of whether or not he would have had a flight instructor along. Either way, he had plenty of experience and didn't need or require one. Then, flight
instructor Merenas changed his story 6 months after the fact by adding that Kennedy said he wanted to do it alone.
Next changing story was the weather. The NTSB said the weather was clear, early reports said clear then the story began to change that it was bad visibility.
Even the NTSB report that took one year to produced, Aug 2000, was later changed, revised, and submitted in Jan 2001. Articles about the toxicology report were revised and other news reports were changed with no notes on what had been altered https://greensboro.com/toxicology-reports-indicate-jfk-jr-free-of-drugs-alcohol/article_2bfeba4c-8cd4-593f-bb5f-9c3ea9c8a4db.html
But one of the most telling changes was that the original report from U.S. Coast Guard Petty Officer Todd Burgun saying that Kennedy had radioed the tower at Martha's Vineyard, had been completely erased. Radio contact with the tower would have meant a search should have started
immediately when the plane didn't land. The search didn't start for 14 hours. There was a trail of evidence destroyed or missing which included the pictures and recordings of the plane recovery operation.

Even in sabotage - there are 2 camps
Sabotage Option 1
Q points to the movie Dark Legacy II which says that a manchurian candidate CFI, certified flight instructor, shut off the fuel switch and plunged the plane straight down killing all of the occupants.
This accounts for the fuel switch and the missing seat but there are other
accounts saying the second option. Dark Legacy II made a few mistakes making me question the validity of other details. They misspelled family members names but most importantly - they referenced the wrong airplane and tail number referring to his first plane, not the one that he
was flying at the time of the crash. They definitely point the finger at Bush Jr which surprised me since I thought Q was saying Hillary was the start of this story but now I'm thinking they meant the crash was the start of her career. (cont...)
Sabotage Option 2
A government whistleblower and another witness say that Bush Sr, Bush Jr and 2 mossad agents were at the airport where John stored his plane 3 days before his flight. A 'leaked' copy of the FBI report allegedly says there were traces of explosives on the luggage
compartment of the wreckage. If the tail were blown off, it becomes front heavy and would nosedive. There were also reports that the debris field was spread out over an area indicating an explosion and witnesses seeing a flash in the sky where the plane was expected to be.
The rushed autospies, lack of pictures and altered toxicology reports might have been hiding evidence of explosives?
It seems as though the Bush family had the most to lose. John was looking to prove who murdered his father which would point back to Bush Sr and he might have decided not to run for the Senate seat, but instead, to run for President which would get in the way of Bush Jr's plans.
The FBI report, which won't be available until 2029, will be the one thing that could shed light on all the details.
Part 3
Next is where I look at the theories of if he lived. Everything here is based on my opinion. There is very little as "evidence" or "provable facts" in this section. I can't say that I'm correct or that you are wrong, I'm just saying after looking at everything I could find
This was the conclusion I came to on each aspect. I have waffled back and forth as I was going through everything I could find so I understand if you believe he is alive and I understand the ones that decided he's not. The two things that even made me begin to even look into this
were the woman in the sparkling hat at the rallies and Robert Kennedy and the nose touch.
The theory that he is alive would begin with the assumption that he
1) Planned and faked the entire event or
2) Found the plane had been sabotaged and staged his death
If Pre-planned:
Enter George magazine
Launched - 1995
Feb 1997 edition - Platform 2020
Last edition - 2001
Notable story -Oliver Stone on the rich assassinating their opponents including JFK
Predicted return 'Why not put it in a safe place somewhere and take it out in 20 years?"
As for the cover - I'm pretty sure Gates has always wanted to take over the world and Hillary was under investigation for the Whitewater scandal, not even a fraction of what's come out and has happened since
George magazine had a picture of Rushmore on the cover in Feb 1997. We had the man on top of Mt Rushmore - It was near the same time as Trump's speech. This could have been an employee, a maintenance person, or even security for the president. The picture was a screen shot taken
from a video zoomed in from quite a ways away. It's impossible to see who it was. This isn't the kind of evidence that we can say, "I can prove it" to doubters. This is the kind that would get thrown out in court as circumstantial at best.
If he found the plane was sabotaged:
Then someone would have had to help him fly the plane out, or remote controlled flight (?), and make it seem as though it exploded on cue. People on shore did report seeing an explosion in that area which also goes against the official story
that the plane just crashed. If they were going to let it blow up, why was the fuel selector off? Switched off incase the explosives didn't trigger so it wouldn't coast to shore on autopilot?
He would have to be in hiding for over 20 years
Some have tried to say that he could be Joe M, Juan O Savin, John Galt, Todd Burgun and most notably Vincent Fusca. So let's take Vincent. If I were going to try to prove that it wasn't John, I would see if I could find any history
on him from over 20 years ago. I didn't have much luck looking into school, work history or hobbies but I did find something else. There was already a Vincent Fusca in Pittsburgh Pa and many of the things being attributed to 'our' Fusca was really his history. I found the other
Fusca's school, his work history, his hobbies (World Series of Poker -low finish but still) online hiking log. If John had gone into hiding, say something like the witness protection program, would he use a name that was already a very real person? Would that make them a target
if he was found out? I've seen the pictures that look like two different men but examining the hair growth pattern on the beard and other facial features. I believe it is the same man taken at times far enough apart to account for haircuts, and a few pounds gained or lost. The
lines between the cheeks and nose, creases between the eyebrows, same. Looking up reduces the puffiness of the cheeks. I can get rid of crows lines by raising my eyebrows. Every girl takes 20 selfies before they find one they like. Pictures of the same person look very different.
I've seen the interview about the lost Trumpmobile on 18th street. This seems like going to a psychic and trying to fit the pieces together after the fact to me. Just saying, could be, I don't know. Short of investigating the license tag on the Trumpmobile, I wasn't able to
confirm or disprove any information on Vincent. If he sees this, feel free to message me directly with any information you think I should have.
As for John Galt. I don't see the resemblance at all and think that it wouldn't make sense for someone trying to 'stay safe', to become a Secret Service member that would risk his life in the line of duty.
John had a speech pattern that wasn't really a lisp but a kind of tongue
thrust that made certain words stand out. I've listened to Joe M and Juan O Savin and don't hear any trace of this. Some disagree. Todd Burgun was the Coast Guard petty officer that made a report saying Kennedy did make radio contact with Martha's Vineyard. The report disappeared
but there was a recording of him giving his account of the events that some people think sounds like John. Again, I listened and didn't think it did. Just my opinion. One had an account here - doubt it was the real person.
They say Juan because of the gematria and that he has used that alias. Yes, he has signed notes as "John Cole" and "Juan" but I don't see the logic in their numbers.
If O=1+5=6, why isn't N=1+4=5? It seems inconsistent and that the numbers are being manipulated to get the result they want which is for it to equal 18 or 'R' .
So we have R and Q
I'm not going to post every drop here, message if you need to see them but I think you can get the idea. This is the timeline of R's and Q's
Some want to believe so bad when Q says no, they say disinfo is necessary which it is, but does that really apply here? Q has made several references to chess. John was an accomplished chess player. Just a side fact, not in anyway proof. Q points to a movie saying he was murdered
This stumped me for a while since I thought they were saying that the "senate run against Hillary" was the beginning meaning Hillary was responsible but the movie points to Bush Jr. I also questioned the meaning of "when they can't attack you directly with facts" thinking are
they saying 'If they don't say he is alive then the hit pieces can't use their own words against them' and that maybe it was true? I've decided they are saying that nobody should say that it's true so they won't have ammunition to attack the movement. Like I said, just my opinion
Q has never said he was alive, that he was coming back at a certain time and I think it's obvious now, he's not running in the 2020 race. Another piece of the puzzle I found interesting for a while was this pic and the man in it. A little investigation shows it's not
a Q, it's an arrow. Patriots ask at the time for more info on the pic or who the man was but they were never answered by US Army Central.
And last thing about Q. Can anyone explain to me what the Beam of Light is? They were able to activate the "Beam of Light". Anyone?
Some people also show another young man at the rallies that could be believed to be John's son. If she were pregnant, and I have found articles that support that, he would be about 20 now. Those same articles say she was in her 3rd trimester of pregnancy with a boy when the plane
crashed. I'm thinking 3rd trimester, nobody would be guessing if she were pregnant or not because 7-9 months, everyone would be able to tell so there's too much 'what if' going on around all of that to even continue down that path for me.
Also seen at the rallies ia a woman that would resemble an older Lauren and Carolyn. This was where I was stumped and studied those pictures for a long time. These women have many striking similarities in regards to their facial features . Who is she and why hasn't she come
forward. I don't know. Then comparing the two pictures and the problem with them dawned on me. There is a genetic trait for whether or not your gums show when you smile. It's a yes or no issue. Carolyn has this trait and the woman in the hat does not seem to share that trait.
"In the majority of instances, the condition behind a gummy smile is genetic so there is nothing you can do to prevent it."
A friend questioned if we had a better picture of the woman at the rally so in looking for one, I find 4 more Carolyns. 🤷‍♀️
Make of it what you will
Other things that could "muddy the waters" include reporting pictures of the wreckage that weren't the correct plane - Both of these are attributed to John Jr and neither are. You can let me know if you want more info but I have pics of HIS plane and these are not it
and there's even a possibility that they took their pets but I couldn't find any other confirmation of this
Researchers - Post 918 "Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here." - it must be aliens, Jesus, or JFK Jr. Um, don't tell anyone but I'm pretty sure it's the president. That's kind of a big deal too lol
Some say President Trump had a close relationship with John.
I believe that's why he has said and done things that might indicate he was thinking of him. The "tiffany blue" box, the dress, the tie. In my opinion, this is a tribute to his friend and to the Kennedy family. Wouldn't you love to have this tribute 😎
And then we have Robert Kennedy.
I saw that post. I tracked down the original interview. I watched to see if he touched his nose at any other time. His finger brushed the bottom a few times. He didn't do anything like that gesture before the comment. He leaned up, as though
taking a closer look at the comment in chat, and very deliberately touched the bridge of his nose. I can't explain why he would do this. Either he knows something or he's so tired of people asking that he thought he'd 'yank their chain'. I have no intention to tag him.
I hope you won't either. The man deserves respect and privacy but if he happens to see this, feel free to message me if there's anything you'd like to add.
In the big picture, these are all of the people that would have had to have known that he was alive. John, Carolyn, Lauren, the flight instructor (if there was one), the Kennedy family (Robert and Ted and his 2 sons), the Navy that recovered the bodies, the coroner's office
(Richard Evans MD in particular) the cremators, the Q team, POTUS, and whoever helped him disappear/relocate, and whoever helped him if he found explosives and ditched the plane. That's a lot of people to keep a secret that big for nobody to have blown his cover. On the other...
hand, if Robert was trusted with that secret, would he really blow the entire gig on a podcast? If he were alive, I think we can all agree, he wouldn't be able to come out until the Clintons and the Bush clan are locked up or dealt with because he still wouldn't be safe.
So I wrapped this up by looking at the timeline of events, the information that has come out since, what should be available and isn't (autopsy information and pictures, wreckage recovery tapes, the FBI report) lack of supporting information that Hillary did any more than profit
politically from his demise. I did however find multiple sources that said the Bush family was at the scene ahead of time, had no alibi during the event, and had the most motive.

In conclusion - The Bush Family did it at the Airport with Mossad explosives.
RIP reluctant Prince. 🙏
Anyone wanting more info is welcome to my notes, sources, the graph showing all the relationships in the link below
Have lots of fun here
and the first link on the source page goes to my graph - clock on nodes to read more, get links and see relationships with others on the graph
Ps - Special thanks to @PatriotRed87 for giving it a once over. Now she knows I can’t spell speech and I know she didn’t know what a fuselage was. 😅 Teamwork 😎🇺🇸
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