I get the impulse when ppl say Christians should stay united over political difference...but I also wonder, do u think anything besides orthodoxy *should* divide Christians? If voting is an expression of neighbour-love, is neighbour-love not important enough to divide us?
If Christians should only divide over orthodox doctrine (e.g. divinity of Christ) is there no point at which failures of neighbour-love pass into the area of doctrine? Or rise to the a comparable level of importance? Not all political questions do, of course...but do any?
And what is Christian unity if it makes questions of neighbour-love secondary? A spiritualized bonhomie at being part of the same team?
I raise this because the voices I hear saying “we need to rise above politics” seem to be coming mostly from ppl whose lives seem insulated from politics. But if politics hits life hard—if you’re non-white, or poor—maybe it doesn’t seem as easy to “rise above”. B/c you’re in it.
This is not an argument for disfellowshipping one another over differing politics. I have friendships that cross my political opinions. But at a certain point, no, I don’t think I could remain in Christian fellowship with a fellow believer who was actively hurting my neighbor.
I don’t have a lot of time to talk through this so I probably will not respond to most replies. But I am very open to correction or thinking through this, so push back. I’m just hearing a lot of “after Election Day, unity!” and it is not sitting quite right with me.
One further thought: the issue may hang on the directness of harm. If I assault someone, that’s direct harm. If I contribute to a political process that harms someone, is my culpability for that harm mitigated by the fact that it is not my direct action?
Another final thought. This isn’t an argument for hating or demonizing anyone, either. The universality of Christian love extends even to a person who’s killing you. But that love means wishing their best—which might be repentance/being stopped—not cheering them on/being buddies.
Another final thought: i should add prenatal children to my above list (non-white, poor). And LGBT folks. And and and. Just saying: the application of neighbour-love in this way is a many-bladed sword & it cuts in all sorts of directions. Our politics give no safe place to stand.
I don’t think there’s any moral equivalence bt Biden and Trump. I’m thoroughly for Biden, tho that doesn’t mean 100% agreement. I handle the abortion question in that I think there’s a moral difference bt what a govt permits vs what it enacts. Hyde repeal is thus a big deal—but I
haven’t withheld my taxes so far on account of the manifold injustices the US military commits around the world, so it’d be a bit hypocritical to draw a bright line here. I know others will vehemently disagree. That’s fair, and I get it; maybe I should be disfellowshipped.
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