In the last Senate Commerce Committee hearing Senator @tedcruz asked Dorsey why Twitter insists on behaving as a Democratic super PAC. This is why...
Kendi's ideologies draw a lot of criticism.
How does a platform decide it's okay to censor opposing views? Well...people called for it. Remember when the NYTs own editorial board suggested tech platforms take editorial privilege over President Donald Trump's tweets and posts.
Dominant tech firms, and press treat censorship and suppression, not only as a necessary evil, but as a civic duty. Passive disinterest and active resistance shown for reporting in favor of a preferred candidate during the 2020 presidential election has never been more obvious.
The RNC responded to censorship by filing a complaint with the Federal Election Commission over Twitter's actions citing an, "illegal corporate in-kind political contribution to the Biden campaign." Here is the complaint.
While Twitter has policies against inciting harassment and violence, they allowed BLM DC chapter to utilize Twitter to mobilize a violent attack on DCs 4 District PD.
Looting has had and continues to have a devastating effect on the country.
As looting and violence continued, coordinated influences from left leaning news publications and their representatives undermined the severity of the violence, while protesting against conservatives for drawing attention to it.
Like algorithms, systems of governance are engineered, and it is difficult to predict how the impact of these human endeavors will affect the 2020 presidential election and continue to affect society at large.
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