I’m curious how other essential service workers and humanitarians are managing travel during the #COVID19 era? Here are a few tips I’ve picked up. 1/ Board last. Why jump on early before the filters are running and everyone’s crammed in the aisles? Priority boarding = danger
2/ #COVID19traveltips Abandon all preconceived notions of former travel comforts. Your favorite lounge in Addis is closed and the dive bar in Terminal 2 went out of business. Bring books, snacks, chargers etc. Expect Most stores to be closed
3/ A word on travel #ppe You don’t need coveralls. You need a supply of good quality masks and maybe eye protection (ie goggles or face shield) if you can’t maintain 2m distance. Change your masks after meals Or if they become soiled or wet.
4/ One of the most important things you can do is #handhygiene Bring adequate hand sanitizer (in small bottles) and sanitize before and after meals, before and after removing your mask, after touching any high contact areas (railings, doors) and of course after using bathroom
5/ Be particularly patient and kind to your fellow travelers and especially the flight crew. People are anxious and stressed. That comes out in funny ways. Model compassion and kindness #covid19traveltips
6/ Carefully review travel restrictions in each destination including layovers. The rules can be very arbitrary and change often. Do you need a negative #COVID19 PCR test result? Do you need to fill out a pre arrival check list online? I’ve watching many denied boarding
7/ Finally, if you don’t have to travel then please stay home. Explore your own backyard. Connect with loved ones online. We will get through this ✊
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