5) The Wildsea RPG by @isaacs_felix

Gorgeous art, cool setting. Im pretty sure one of the races is a spider hivemind? Quickstart if youre curious. Discord if youre serious. But seriously. Check out the art. 😍 https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mythopoeia/the-wildsea
6) Thirsty Sword Lesbians by @GaySpaceshipGms

Before checking out the game go follow April. She’s delightful and I couldnt think of anyone more deserving of success. Done? Ok. First, this game is just mainlined positive energy. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/evilhat/thirsty-sword-lesbians
In a world of grimdark this shines bright. 2nd, the rules are SO GOOD. Ive talked before about how Heart is brilliant in how it builds motivations into chargen and this does too in a totally different way. Its one of smartest pbta designs, and Im saying that with US in this list.
And there you have it! 6 fantastic projects, full of beautiful art, cool settings, clever mechanics, and brilliant ideas! And if Ive managed a disservice and missed your current favorite please tell me and link accordingly! Thanks for reading, and happy gaming everyone!
You can follow @Pandatheist.
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