I'm going to give my final argument on this theme that French and some others have been promoting for some time now.

I think it's wrong on many levels.

First, the plain political analysis. I believe the Democrat offering is fundamentally bad for the country. https://twitter.com/DavidAFrench/status/1323322111977492482
Those who push French's narrative have to put abortion in the back seat. I'm not going to do that. It's the most egregious policy difference we have with the Democrat Party. It's undeniably wrong from a Christian perspective.

I'll vote against Democrats on that issue alone.
Democrats also fail, in my opinion, to be the party of choice for morality on other issues socially and economically. We could debate those, but in my calculation, the GOP comes out ahead, so I'd have to ignore that to cast my vote solely against Trump.
I will always be a "lesser of two evils" voter. One is going to win and I'm going to push towards the outcome I'd most like to see. That means I have, and will, vote for flawed candidates.

Trump's character flaws are numerous, but I believe overstated.
Despite all his flaws, the one thing Trump has done is tried to do what he promised he would do. Maybe we wouldn't have a President Trump if the GOP had done that in the past.

I voted for the honorable John McCain. Here he is breaking a major campaign promise.
This is really the second part of French's argument that I think is flat out dishonest: that the Trump voter no longer cares about character.

It's not an argument. It's just an attack.

I have a character issue with people who promote and celebrate abortion.
I have a character issue with people who call their political opponents Nazis and think it's okay to burn down minority businesses.

I have a character issue with people who cheat on their spouse with porn stars.

I have a character issue with people who hate my faith.
I have a character issue with Christians who go out of their way to shame other Christians over politics.

So, yes, I care about character, and I've weighed my response to those realities differently than you.

Could I be wrong? Sure. I'll find out one day.
I guarantee you, as a flawed sinner, I'll have a lot worse to answer for on Judgment Day than thinking Donald Trump was the best choice to vote for against a Democrat Party that wants to fundamentally change everything about an America that has been uniquely blessed by God.
My final thought is anecdotal. I have friends who are the type of people that inspire me to be a better Christian. They're the type of people whose witness makes you feel inadequate.

I got to visit with them recently because they're home from the mission field.
They've lived and worked on the other side of the world for decades to further the gospel. They'll return next year.

They made it clear they were voting for Trump.

Don't tell me they're bad Christians or don't care about character because you disapprove of their vote.
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