I live in DC's Capitol Hill neighborhood.

Today I walked to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription. On the way, I passed many places where workers were boarding up windows in anticipation of violence in the wake of the presidential election. ...
... And, given my proximity to the Capitol, I've had to prepare myself for possible disruptions in coming days--stocking up on food and water, buying an emergency radio and batteries, and sending friends and family the contact information for my neighbors. ...
... Earlier I shared some reflections on Catholic teaching on voting. I understand that people have to vote their conscience, and I hope and pray that everyone forms their conscience on a foundation of truth and love. ... https://twitter.com/DawnofMercy/status/1322693356552626177
... But I just want to say that, as I pass by the boarded windows & prepare to stay indoors a while, it strikes me that only one presidential candidate has encouraged violence vs. his opponents--and has done so actively, consistently, and repeatedly. ... https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1322700188624932869
... And, as far as I know--and I'm prepared to be corrected on this one--only one candidate regularly attaches to himself and praises people who urge that citizens form armed militias and secede from the United States if their candidate loses. ... https://twitter.com/brianfraga/status/1321672168577576960
... I took all of that into my discernment when I voted.

Here's my thread again. Its point is that an anti-abortion position is meaningless unless it is held within a true and loving understanding of the common good and the dignity of every human person. https://twitter.com/DawnofMercy/status/1322693356552626177
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