A bit of a 🚲 🧵

I don't particularly enjoy criticising Cork City Council for their work -or lack thereof- on cycling infra

[and I feel sorry for the human who deals with twitter who I assume is not a Director or the Exec, or earn anything close to their wages]. 1/ https://twitter.com/corkcitycouncil/status/1322159007742763008
Even when every day we deal with the consequences of the lack of action, investment & prioritising of cycling and other travel infrastructure we kinda try to be positive. But we remain critical. Why? Because we *care* & we want public 💶 to be spent well in stuff that *works*. 2/ https://twitter.com/rivasmj/status/1322160400121606145
Getting answers like this (OMG, we got a reply, they never engage with us here!), is frustrating bc we can *see* that's not the case in other places in the city. And, again, it's not the member of staff womaning the @, it probs came from management. It's frustrating. Why? 3/ https://twitter.com/corkcitycouncil/status/1322176118779248641
It's frustrating because these rules & regs only come out of the woodwork when it's to take space away from people cycling, or pretend to give us some space but not really... I mean, it's not like the NTA has a *manual* for cycling infrastructure 4/ https://twitter.com/rivasmj/status/1224976554792452097
. @harharhabbo pointed out the NTA Cycle Manual sets minimum width of bike lanes at 150cm 🙃. And when these bollards here and in other locations were placed the spaced was reduced.

SO FRUSTRATING. After months of waiting. During a pandemic. When we're adviced to 🚶or 🚴🏾‍♀️. 5/ https://twitter.com/SamMcCormack97/status/1323227876938944520
Of course the thread broke. Bc my phone can sense my annoyance with the state of affairs. 6/ #Allocate4Cycling https://twitter.com/rivasmj/status/1323349712804712448
And yes, #Ableism can get in the bin 🚮 7/

Ain't nobody got time for inaccesible cycling infrastructure. #Allocate4Cycling https://mobile.twitter.com/rivasmj/status/1323351205075103744
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