I’m fielding so many disaster prep questions from friends today.

Do what you need to do. Be as safe as you can be. Your risk assessment is going to be different than that of your kin. https://twitter.com/chuckwendig/status/1323329813260734465
It’s never a waste of resources to prepare, even if feared events don’t materialize.

The act of preparing is a form of mitigation. More than that, most prep applies to multiple scenarios: you’re making the next catastrophic event less horrible, no matter what form it takes.
Preparing is all about giving FutureYou more options.

Do you have what you need to stay home? To leave for somewhere else?

Do you have contact info for resources you might need?

Do you have legal documents to support your ID, immigration status, medical proxy?
I'm all about channeling anxiety while embracing hope. What scenarios do you see happening? How likely are they? What's the impact (immediate, long-term, personal, regional)?

Think through plans, even if they're vague "I'll need to do A & learn B, then pick between X, Y, & Z."
Once you start running scenarios, it's shocking how much commonality exists across disasters.

Have food & beverages? Tracking relevant news sources? Made a plan? Have good shoes?

Fast, free things you can do RIGHT NOW to enhance your disaster prep: https://twitter.com/mikamckinnon/status/1243941907375345664
The huge one tomorrow is going to be wary of accidentally spreading misinformation.

Stop and think before you share info: Is the source valid? Can you confirm across independent reports? Is it relevant or is it disaster porn exploiting pain?

It's on you to be a firebreak.
Making things better can feel like a huge, overwhelming ask when faced with... everything.

But we don't need to fix the world in one shot. All we need to do is make things less bad, then less bad again, then less bad some more. Iterate from terrible to tolerable to good.
You can follow @mikamckinnon.
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