Dude we can all literally just look at the raw data, which shows the economy thriving *specifically* under Democratic rule for decades. You guys suck moist ass at governing bc you don’t even want to, you just want to make your friends richer. Eat my whole dick you evil fucks https://twitter.com/gopleader/status/1323329636353384448
There are MANY problems with the Democrat Party, and with the two party system in general. I’ve yelled for MONTHS how much I would dislike voting for Biden. But truly, if you vote for Trump, just unfollow me now. You’re a BAD PERSON. Really! Just being dumb doesn’t cut it anymore
You can’t “I’m stupid” your way out of this. People ARE FUCKING DYING, MAN. The blood is on your hands. We have no perfect solutions here but if you’re actively saying “I want 4 more years of a sociopathic murderer” then just get very far away from me forever.
Just IMAGINE voting for Trump. Just IMAGINE waiting in line to waltz your evil ass into the polling booth to go OUT OF YOUR WAY to say “yes, I am here today to officially record how dumb and cruel I am, tralala, boopity boop, go fuck yourself.” INCREDIBLE.
We’re going to find out, in a few days, ON RECORD, how many of our neighbors are - GENUINELY BAD PEOPLE! Whatever excuses we made for them 4 years ago for our own mental health are GONE. We’re going to have to PROCESS this shit! We live amongst TERRIBLE IDIOTS!
You’re NOT WRONG for feeling TRULY FUCKING INSANE right now. A NOT INSIGNIFICANT PERCENTAGE OF THE COUNTRY truly believes that Hillary Clinton was eating babies in a pizza shop! YOU are not the crazy one! These are WEIRD FUCKIN TIMES
Anyway I know I seem crazy right now but I owe it to all of you to be honest about how I feel going into tomorrow, which is: Even if we win, we will still have lost. We’re in a real dark place and a barely-elected new old white guy won’t fix that.
This is not pessimistic, it is realistic. I have high hopes that sanity will prevail tomorrow. But even if it doesn’t, what does it mean if 30-45% of our neighbors, family, colleagues live in a different reality? That problem doesn’t just go away. It’s only just beginning.
You can follow @rob_sheridan.
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