The Trump administration's assault on climate science rightfully gets the bulk of the coverage, but the last four years have been rough when it comes to basic, everyday weather forecasting.

The integrity of weather forecasts is on the ballot tomorrow.

The admin recently filled top positions at NOAA with political appointees who, by all indications, were installed to advance partisan goals instead of science. It's seen as a last-ditch attempt to disrupt climate research efforts before time runs out.
NOAA's new Chief Scientist—known for his partisan scorn of climate study—defended the Sharpie map during an apparent long-arc effort to get Trump to notice him.

His rise is classic of the Trump era: an intelligent person who betrays their knowledge for a fleeting bite at power.
Trump's nomination of fmr AccuWeather CEO Barry Myers to lead NOAA sat in Congress for years.

His potential conflicts of interest and AW's (at times) adversarial relationship with the NWS made the nomination worrying, but he never got a Senate vote.
The admin's failure to provide basic, timely help to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria is one of the greatest shames in our country's modern history.

He signaled aid to Puerto Rico was conditional upon his receiving the island's "appreciation" for him.
Trump initially refused to approve fed disaster aid to CA after recent historic fires. Last week, he hinted he'd overlook Pennsylvanians in need because he doesn't like their governor.

It's unconscionable to threaten disaster aid based on electoral math.
He recently complained that the news devoted more time to Hurricane Delta—which hit parts of Louisiana devastated weeks earlier by Hurricane Laura—than they devoted to his (unsuccessful) Nobel Prize nominations.
And he reportedly asked officials why he couldn't stop a hurricane by nuking it, which is a fun thought game for grade school students but an utterly terrifying thing not to know when you singularly possess the ability to launch a large nuclear arsenal.
Upending the federal government and threatening weather experts because he made a mistake in a tweet, threatening disaster aid in exchange for political support, getting jealous of weather's media coverage—this is all in just the last four of years. Four more would be disastrous.
Tomorrow's election is a decision about protecting the integrity of science as a whole—whether it's the virus, climate change, or basic weather forecasts.

We're living through the consequences of when leaders trash science to boost their personal standing.

Enough is enough.
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