If you want to get wealthy, let The Millionaire Next Door show you how:

1. Millionaires Live Below Their Means

Being frugal is the cornerstone of wealth-building.

The TV and popular press show the rich as being heavy spenders.

That’s why society thinks being a millionaire is to consume heavily.

*Get rid of this idea and start earning freedom now*
2. Budget Or Pay Yourself First

Research shows that for every 100 millionaires who don’t budget, there are about 120 who do,

and more than half of non-budgeters invest first and spend the balance of their income after, they:

*Pay themselves first*.
3. Harmonic Relationships

An important fact is who you marry.

Money arguments are the second leading cause of divorce, behind infidelity.

It is a wealth destroyer, a stable and harmonic relationship will increase the chances of becoming a millionaire.

*Choose wisely*
4. Goal Oriented

Most millionaires are goal-oriented and have a clearly defined set of goals

The research shows clearly that millionaires have a financial plan. This creates for them financial security that makes them happier than those who aren’t

*Put pen to paper your plans*
5. They Don't Work For The Tax Man

They work for themselves, their families or close friends but NOT for the taxman

To build wealth, minimize your realized (taxable) income and maximize your unrealized income (capital appreciation with no cash flow).

Fewer taxes=Higher returns
6. Millionaires Allocate Their Energy, Time and Money Efficiently

Time is the most valuable asset and that’s why efficiency plays such an important role in accumulating wealth.

Millionaires spend their time, energy and money in ways to boost their net worth

*Be Time Efficient*
7. Financial Independence > High Social Status

Most millionaires don't spend huge amounts of money to buy depreciating assets to impress people that they don't even know.

They rather make their money work for them and become financially independent

*Save, invest & repeat* 📈
8. No Financial Help From Parents

Most millionaires didn't receive financial help or economic gifts from parents.

The ones who achieve do so by experiencing obstacles, even from their childhood days.

*Struggle and adversity are your allies*
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