An acousticians notes on Bradley Garrett's Bunker: Building for the End Times. Chapter 1:
Btw, my fellow Bristolians and fellow Urban Explorers will like that the Introduction takes place just down the road in Burlington Bunker. I really want to go there.
Chapter 2, inc. blast protection vibration isolation on 1,400 capacity bunker scale
Chapter 3, Living with the Bomb. Robert DePugh and the start of the survivalist/prepper movement
"attracting everybody from right-wing paramilitary white nationalists to off-grid back-to-the-land hippies"

I consider myself boardering towards the latter there, and find the shared interests with the first group deeply uncomfortable.
Fritz. Adding Erase and Forget to my to watch list.
Did Ronson mention him in Men Who Stare at Goats as well?
Gritz not Fritz. Bloody autokarotte.
Chapter 4: Pipes In The Ground.
Adam Fish on Technoliberalism.
James Bridle, "more information doesn't provide more clarity but rather more confusion"
Ryan Bishop on viewing ourselves through algorithms.
Paul Virilio on dromology, the philosophy of speed.
Chapter 5: Texas Redoubt.
This dichotomy really bothers me. Take care of the environment now and you wouldn't have to deal with some of these the end-of-days scenarios.
From my visit. Here's the nuclear warning siren 
And a BBC Micro 
And a baby gasmask 
Chapter 6: Preps Down Under. Grow your own food. What books do you put in your Doomsday Library? Surplus state investment. And Apocatopia.
Chapter 7: Escape from California [i.e. tech bros I'm New Zealand]
I wonder whether Garrett still considers NZs Covid response"heavy-handed" now?
Operation Black Swan. Note to self, finish reading Taleb.
Live underground; avoid noise!
1960s journalism vs current clickbait.
And look who pops up again.
Extreme Herzog Voice: Chapter 8 Sustainable Security
"Civilization is a thin layer of ice resting upon a deep ocean of darkness and chaos"
The two types of withdraw architecture; intimidating or covert
Growth in London basement excavation
"people are going to 'what-if' themselves into the grave"
If philosophers were preppers
Chapter 9: Captain Paranoid
Includes "anarcho-libertarian horse fanatic" 🤣, Spanish Flu Vs Covid-19, staying healthy is a prep, and a poor goat 🐐😢
Chapter 10 The Antibunker: Bloom Where You're Planted

It me!

Don't be that guy.
This. This is so important.
Ah, the dangerous liberal elites
I'm joining them
^ The online talk in the top link there is now live
High praise from Andrew Kelly calling Bunker, "the most fascinating book I've read in the long time." Having seen the number of @FestivalofIdeas interviews he's run I dread to think how many books he reads.
This is the Nevil Shute novel Brad is discussing btw
The v. high tech bunker being discussed is reminding me of my Isolation Horror list
And these
Here are my reflections on reading @pidg's Nuclear War in the UK
Some of those Hummers look exactly like the legendary Aphex Twin tank, when park it outside a Mu gig.
"It's hard to separate pessimism from realism" - Bradley Garrett
School architecture having built in active shooter traps* doesn't surprise me. Even Child's school here in the UK does active shooter drills.

* We're talking doorsets that allow up to capture someone in a corridor here, not something out of Saw.
Brad on disaster capitalism, "I just hope we haven't entered into a death spiral"
Thank you to @Goblinmerchant and @FestivalofIdeas for that talk, that was brilliant.
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