Catholic voters are not single-issue voters. We must take in account several issues when discerning which candidate to vote for. That's why Catholics with a well-formed conscience will vote Trump, because of his positions on abortion, euthanasia, the family, religious freedom.
Trump is far from a perfect candidate and does not represent the entirety of Catholic social teaching. That stated, he and his administration are far more compatible with CST than Biden/Harris. Each candidate appeals to only some aspects of Church teaching, which is shameful.
That stated, it would be intellectually dishonest to claim that Biden's stance on capital punishment, the environment, and economics make him the better choice, especially given his radical stances on more fundamental issues like abortion, euthanasia, religious freedom, family.
To say that abortion is a "preeminent issue" is not to say that all other issues do not matter. What it means is that abortion assaults "life itself, the most fundamental good and the condition for all others." (USCCB's Living the Gospel of Life, no. 5) It is the most grave issue
May I also remind you that Trump is the only president in my lifetime that HASN'T invaded a foreign country. If Biden is so sensitive to human dignity, why didn't he stop his running mate Obama from warmongering and putting kids in cages? You expect me to believe in him?
In terms of "pro-life issues", there is a hierarchy: tax policy is not on the same level as abortion, nor is the environment on the same level as euthanasia. We can have prudential disagreements on those things in CST that Biden supports. But we can't disagree on fundamentals.
The mainstream media has portrayed Trump as some fascist dictator, evil and racist, rude and incompetent. I encourage you to look beyond the "orange man bad" propaganda and see all of the good Trump has done, and will do, for our country-- especially in regards to human life.
If you're still undecided on who to vote for, just remember the problematic policies of Trump do not attack the heart of Catholic social teaching, whereas the problematic policies of Biden attack its very fundamental principle-- the dignity and protection of human life.
We do not have a perfect candidate who encapsulates all of CST, unfortunately. And so, we must make careful discernment as to which candidate, overall, promotes the common good. I do not see any intelligent nor Catholic case for voting Biden. But I do for Trump.
I encourage all Catholics to read and reflect upon the USCCB's document on "Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship", found below. Let's not make the perfect be the enemy of the good. And the good, in this case, is Trump. As much as you hate to admit
I used to be a staunch Democrat, before deciding to #WalkAway. I used to think I could be a pro-life Catholic Democrat, before I saw abortion/euthanasia/gender ideology become embedded in the very fabric of the Democratic platform. The GOP isn't perfect, but it has my vote.
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