There are many reasons to be worried by the latest #covid stats from Ontario

But as I finish a relatively quiet CAC shift, I’m going to focus on testing

Cases are rising but testing is declining. We’re using just ~55% of our provincial capacity

Why? Five potential reasons
1. Communication on who should be tested keeps changing and continues to be unclear.

We need strong, consistent messaging from gov’t to clarify that anyone with symptoms or with close contact to a positive case should be tested
2. People are under the impression that it’s hard to get a test

Communication should clarify that there are actually plenty of online appointments available at many centres. Most centres accommodate/support those who can’t book online - we need to make that clear (and easier)
3. Some people are likely avoiding testing because they would rather wait out their symptoms than be told to self isolate for 10 days.

We need to explain the importance of testing and support folks to self-isolate (eg via paid sick days)
4. As far as I know, we have not improved availability of testing in the neighbourhoods most affected.

I’d love to see @OntarioHealthOH, PHUs and hospitals work together to bring testing (mobile or permanent) to areas with high #COVID prevalence
5. Contact tracing continues to be a missing link. It’s not happening for most #covid positives in Toronto and Ottawa.

Without tracing, we are relying on people testing positive to tell contacts to get tested. We have no idea how often or well that’s being done.
We need to do a better job detecting positive cases through smart testing if we want to contain #COVID19, prevent illness and keep businesses open.

We have the test capacity and our test backlog has cleared. Let’s improve comms, outreach, and support to do better
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