When @joerogan asked @carnivoremd what CT Fletcher should do to protect his heart. Paul said he should 'eat like our ancestors, eat like the Hadza.' I agree, eat like the Hadza... who have extremely low LDL (~75mg/dl) & consume mostly plant-based foods with some meat.
Meanwhile, Paul's LDL is over 300mg/dl. There is NO TRIBE or group of hunter gatherers that has an LDL level anywhere close to that. Even Eskimo's average around ~150mg/dl, half of what Paul's is. They also have much higher rates of CVD than other hunter-gatherer tribes
Look, I'm not for appeal to nature fallacies. HOWEVER, the fact that Paul is using the HADZA to attempt to justify the Carnivore diet is HILARIOUS. There is no evidence our ancestors ate this way and there is no evidence hunter-gatherers eat this way.
Further, the evidence is that humans evolved to consume a WIDE VARIETY of foods because we spread out all over the globe & had differential access to foods based on location & season. It would only make sense to be able to tolerate a diverse array of foods.
This is supported by anthropological data, modern H-G data, & data from our closet living relative, chimpanzees, who consume over 80 different foods, less than 3% of which are meat-based. If you want to make the argument to 'eat how our ancestors ate' you can't do it carnivore
I am not saying that you can't be healthy and consume animal products. You can, and I DO consume animal products. But pretending that eating nothing but fatty meat all day is somehow healthy for you is putting your head in the sand. Can you have some fatty meat? sure, but limited
The mental gymnastics displayed by Paul in this interview are incredible. INSANE. The paper @kevinnbass and I are working on is more like a thesis at this point. I'm just over 1/2 through the interview & I have 35 pages & over 160 citations.
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