Pres. Trump will head to Kenosha later today.

In Wisconsin, weeks ago the partisan makeup of the electorate was D +12.3 - today it’s D +5.9.

Going into Election Day in ‘16, the gap was D +9.6.

Pres. Trump has a projected Election Day votes cast margin of over 100k net votes.

Democrats jumped out to a D +27.3 advantage during AB only voting. Today it’s D +5.

Flashback: going into Election Day in 2016, the gap was D +7.9.

President Trump has a projected Election Day votes cast margin of over 50k net votes.
Like 2016, Pres. Trump will end the day in Michigan.

Congrats: Democrats have banked their high propensity voters. We have nearly 2 million voters left.

Pres. Trump’s E Day margin needs to be 350k - we project an Election Day votes cast margin of 400k+ for Pres. Trump.
Look, it’s pretty simple - if the voters that we KNOW are still out there for Election Day show up ON Election Day, President Trump has four more years at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
You can follow @BillStepien.
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