The US #Election2020 is about to be decided and the world is watching 🌍

What do people around the globe want from the next American president? THREAD 1/7

Here’s what young people in Latin America are saying
(2/7) The relationship between Asia and the US is complex. The US maintains a big military presence in the region and is a crucial trading partner - but the last four years have seen increasing tensions between Trump and China
(3/7) Many young people in Africa are keen to study in the US but some say Donald Trump’s administration is making things difficult. So do people across the continent want to see a change in US leadership?
(4/7) When Donald Trump was first elected he promised to put “America First”, but how has he governed on the international stage? And has his strategy lost him friends?
(6/7) So how would a change of US president affect people around the world? Listen to our programme on the key differences between a Biden and Trump foreign policy
(7/7) Join us on US election night as the polls close and the results come in with @BBCNuala, @BBCJamieCoo, @BBCRosAtkins and @PhilippaBBC from 2200GMT Tuesday all the way through to 1000GMT Wednesday 
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