This is actually a rare good question posed by Wreddit and the answer is...the value of WWE's YouTube numbers is complicated.
Firstly, WWE does make money off their content on YT, so that much is important. But determining whether something is a success or failure solely off the view numbers is another matter. Also, and this is a Meltzer point, a lot of WWE's YT views do come from India. That's true.
Another issue is the changes in YouTube's algorithms over the years, which has been an issue for all creators across the platform. Visibility, the requirements of what constituents as a "view" are ever changing and play a role.
So for the question posed - it depends. Obviously, a higher viewed video is certainly not a bad thing but it also doesn't necessarily define the popularity of a segment or story. Inverse if a video comes in lower. We don't have the demo, reach, viewerage statistics WWE has.
Similar things also go for Google Trends, an oft used metric by stans on Twitter in attempt to measure popularity. That's not the purpose of Trends; all it measures is search results, good & bad, horny & pure. Blanket using Trends is flawed and thankfully, WWE doesn't do that.
My view on these things are pretty much my view on sports statistics, especially baseball. Never use just one data point. Look at everything and make the most educated, knowledgeable judgment from all the data to form a conclusion. It's pretty standard critical thinking skills.
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