Good afternoon America! If you’re employer is using it or thinking about using the @EdenHealthInc app as a workforce covid screener, you should reconsider. The security flaws are Huuuge!
1- The App is 100% trust with no verify. You answer these questions yes or no. We realize it’s a screener app but there is no check of your gps data or even accessing it. There is no checking of blue tooth to see if any transmission could have happened.
And what the actual fuck is up with question 5? How do you answer that? This bitch needs her ice cream. The store won’t deliver that shit.
2: Here’s the best part though, the app requires you to take your temp and submit a photo of your thermometer. Ok... you can also select a photo from your library!!!
So, we ran an experiment. And copied a photo of a digital thermometer and submitted from our library, hand wrote a temp on a piece of paper and photoed that, even took the number sticker off the display for the thermometer and placed it on our finger. Every single photo worked!
In other words, they are using budget basement recognition software to verify you’re safe to work. This is a huge issue.

When you threaten to takeaway someone’s lively hood (which this app can do) ppl are going to not be honest to keep working.
. @EdenHealthInc, you’re walking on some shaky ass legal ground. We could very easily make the case that your product promises items it cannot deliver. Allowing any business with a covid outbreak to sue you for damages.
You can follow @alt_fda.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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