I highlight some of the predictions that claimed there would be no second wave, and that we had already reached herd immunity (in March!).
Many of those "lockdown sceptics" are cranks, but the government acted as if it saw things the same way, bring back summer holidays, subsidising eating out, and reopening universities, among other things.
Once we've come out of this lockdown, we should not make those mistakes again, and we should try to make re-openings *sustainable* until a vaccine arrives. I suggest more ideas in the post: https://sambowman.substack.com/p/covid-the-war-we-never-fought
We should be willing to spend a huge amount to avoid a third lockdown, and to make sure people can endure this one. The cost of failing on Covid is vastly higher than the cost of spending too much.
In a different section, I also recommend two consumer surplus products I've enjoyed lately - a felt desk mat and Cillit Bang Black Mould Remover!
Here we are - still making the same mistakes even as we go into lockdown. https://twitter.com/michelledonelan/status/1323389860011532290
My guess is that they're worried about students returning home, bringing Covid back with them. So the least-bad option, if that's right, is to keep them at universities with in-person teaching continuing. What a disaster.
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