Join me for a deep dive into this asinine @nytimes infographic. To think they could’ve saved lived and chose to spread willful misinformation and fearmongering nonsense is a shame.
Here’s the original. 1/26 plus additional in each graphic thread.
It certainly is settled - masks don’t protect you as they claim, but let’s go slide by slide and discuss why 2/26
Yes, they do.
Just like shoes, are masks are not created for the same use type, and most are expressly NOT for use with airborne particulates. Coronavirus is .06-1.4 microns and by size and particulate behavior type classified as radically behaving airborne particulate.
It’s funny how they bring up efficacy but fail to address the 95 in N95 being for 95% of particulates filtered, and fully neglect that cloth masks have no production control variables to measure, test, or assert efficacy.
Note how they’re omitting fabric gapping sizes? Cloth masks are not considered PPE under OSHA and should NOT be touted as protective against Covid. 5/26
Oh boy, can’t wait.
Look at the particle. Look at the gap. Look at the particle. Look at the gap.
Now they’re about to feed you a load of crap.
The physics reference is to Brownian Motion, which is the bouncy nature of particles so small they do not respond predictably to gravity. The baseline PPE for Covid is N95 or higher grade respirators because they must account for BM, but N95s don’t filter Covid on exhale.
Larger particles respond predictably to gravity. But Covid is so tiny it remains aloft for extended periods after a plosive force generating event (cough, sneeze, scream).
Do they look like they’re getting super trapped to you? That’s because they aren’t.
There’s a whole spectrum of sizes. Covid is in the tiniest part of the range.
Hey look, the first reference to PPE actually made for correct particulate type.
Read: your cloth and surgical masks do not have electrostatic charge.
Should read: where no masks under N95 grade are considered PPE for Covid size particulates and mask requirements are OSHA violations if required in the workplace without fit-tested N95 or higher grade respirators plus eye protection if believed to be for your protection...
Right. Which is exactly why we have agencies like OSHA which bring us PPE standards based on particulate size and behavior. But you probably knew that already, right?
Anything under N95 grade presents this problem, but the exhale on N95 only filters down to 4 microns. That leaves plenty of room for Covid to escape during respiration, pressurized via forced filtration during plosive force generating event.
Um ok.
But how about we look at those gaps again? Do people really not see right through this BS?
You’re right about one thing: masks are not intended for filtering exhale. Me wearing one doesn’t protect you.
By gold standard you mean baseline PPE under OSHA, where you should’ve started instead of including masks with zero efficacy standards?
Instead, let’s talk about how if you cough, sneeze, or scream in a mask, you make Covid MORE airborne via forced filtration of .06-1.4 micron particles via 4+ micron openings, and that a mask is a perfect warm breeding ground directly in front of your mouth and nose
If those particles are aerosolized Covid, they don’t fall in some pretty little perfect 6 foot arc - they can remain aloft for hours and travel far further. Guess you left that out on purpose?
Someone want to tell this ding dong about increased atmospheric viral load and the low virion count for transmissibility with Covid?
If someone else isn’t wearing N95 or higher grade plus eye protection, there is no assertible percentage efficacy for your face diaper protecting them. If their mask does is not the right mask, they are NOT protected. Touting bad PPE is misinformation that kills.
Something isn’t better than nothing when a little of something is enough to kill someone. Here, it’s Covid, which kills some people. Touting bad masks is no better than condoms full of holes with HIV+ partners.
So in summation, they published a terribly misleading infographic that willfully omits better information they could be providing, like I do here:

A little OSHA for ya
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