Frustration, sadness, fear, stress, mental health dips, anger...all valid feelings. You do not need to stay positive. You do not need to keep busy. You do not need to be productive.
All you NEED to do is whatever it is that helps you through...
If that’s learning a new monologue every day and recording them...👌🏻
If it’s lying on the couch watching Schitts Creek for the 4th time with Pringles for breakfast...👌🏻
Be honest with yourself. Do NOT compare yourself to others. Monitor your time in social media.
*When* our industry gets back up and running, it needs you to be ok. And getting to be ok looks different for everyone. In the words of podcast guest @tomramsay_ “You do you boo.”
The government may leave us stranded but we are a tight knit community, you are not alone❤️
You can follow @the98percentpod.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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