1. Trump's endgame strategy has been pretty explicitly outlined by him & his advisors: use early and incomplete vote count to declare victory, litigate in courts, drag it out & muddy the water. In other words, if not victory then delegitimize Biden victory. https://twitter.com/axios/status/1323042245579284490
2. How to stop Trump from sabotaging the vote count? William Kristol suggest that GOP officials and former leaders like George W. Bush can help shame Trump into not doing this. The most generous to this idea is: are you fucking out of your mind? https://twitter.com/BillKristol/status/1322998784478109702
3. We've had 4 years of the vast majority of GOP officials sticking with Trump no matter what. And George W. Bush, despite rumored private grumblings, has done not one public act to repudiate Trump by name. Relying on this group to save American democracy is absurd.
4. Others suggest that in a vote count sabotage scenario we rely on institutions like the courts and toughness of the Democratic party in fighting Trump. Which is more plausible than Bush Jr but consider this: 2000 election & Bush v. Gore.
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