BTS Curated Album to complete their Map of The Soul journey and finally onto their true Happiness—a thread.

Okay first, I really feel that this comeback is STILL heavily influenced by Carl Jung. It makes so much sense in a way that they are finishing a whole cycle–the Map of The Soul.

So I think in this album, they’re finally tackling the last unconscious part, the Animus-Anima.
Based on my readings, Jung emphasized that Animus is the unconscious masculine side of a woman and Anima is the unconscious feminine side of a man. His theory states that Animus-Anima are both the abstract symbol that formulate the archetype of self.
And the anima development of Men is USUALLY opening up to their Emotions, Vulnerabilities, having more Sensitivity towards themselves. Basically looking deeper within their emotions & confronting parts of you that youve shoved down, like your shadow. Hence the Reflection concept.
In the concept clip they released, I believe that that “4A” means “4 Archetypes” with the arrow pointing to “5” which I believe is Jung’s “5 Key Elements to Happiness”, hinting us of what the flow of this album will be.
So after they Reflect at their Reflections, they will be completing the Map of the Soul. Finally knowing their true selves & onto the next journey of unlocking those 5 Key Elements to Happiness. When they do, they will be able to finally just BE themselves, freely and happily.
But now we go to the members’ individual concept photos...starting with V’s, it reminded me of Jung’s paradox line:
At first glance we’ll see how perfectly balanced his set is. How symmetrical everything in this photo is, how grandiose this whole thing is. But notice theres this odd-one-out violin that breaks the symmetry in that area. I believe its the key point to V’s message in this photo.
So maybe this symbolizes where he is at his life this year. Regardless of how grand his life is right now, how put together he is right now, there’s still that tiny bit piece of him missing...
Maybe that violin symbolizes that he hasn’t tapped in his anima-animus yet or maybe he’s in the process..cause what’s missing in that violin is a Tuning peg. It’s very subtle and I think it’s because it’s something he doesn’t want or scared to show...
Maybe when he finally completes the whole cycle and unlocks all the elements to happiness, he’ll finally be able to tune in to his real whole self or his happiness.
Now we move on to Jimin’s...the use of flowers as his representation is very Jimin that we know. Very intricate and delicate. But if you look closely, it says a lot about his anima development...
But notice how the flowers are heavier on the side of his exposed shoulder?? I honestly believe that this is a symbolism that one of the elements to his anima development might be weighing him down..
And notice his body language towards that’s almost as if he’s avoiding the inevitable confrontation he needs to have with whatever’s weighing him down..that heavy side of him.
It actually also reminds me of Filter. “I want to present myself in many different ways”—his way of balancing his Animus-Anima. Cause maybe what’s weighing him down is the way people keep perceiving him to vs. how he actually see himself behind close doors.
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