I want you to really take a moment to understand and bear witness to what we’re watching right now: the resurgence of America.

But what did it take to get here? That’s the important part.

Over the past several years we’ve watched the curtain be pulled back on the disgusting -
...corruption and treason that has been gurgling under the surface of our society.

Elected officials in bed with our adversaries hell bent on our destruction.

A media who was “in on the game” and promised to assist by either not reporting or misreporting to blatantly lying-
...about things that we could see before our very eyes in order to keep the grift, the “managed decline of America” as @WarRoomPandemic puts it, going

A man who had insights & access via his successful business career watched it, studied it, and waited for the right time to do -
...something about it.

He knew what was in the plans.

As a 30 year naval intelligence vet told me when we were talking about my The Pact trilogy, “if Hillary had won it would have been lights out for America.”

So he decided to do something about it.

At the start he wasn’t -
...taken seriously, he was ridiculed by the “old hands” who’d been in on “the game” for decades, who tried to play him off as a bafoon or a sideshow attraction.

But people began to resonate with what he was saying.

People began to have their eyes opened, for he was the first-
...to ever truly call it out on a stage so that everyone could hear.

As soon as [they] realized he was serious about his bid for the highest office in the land, he was beset on all sides by enemy.

They were willing to go to any lengths, using every asset they had placed -
...in our bureaucracy, media, celebrity and society to attack him.

But he persisted.

The prize was worth the pain.

He trudged forward even when the arrows from the evil ones took hold and the public would briefly turn against him - all but a small group of us who knew -
...what was going on.

Before long he’d take the arrows out of his back, smile a devious smile and put them into his own bow, launching a counterattack that in all cases found its mark square into the enemy who’d attempted to take him down.

We’re at a point now where their -
...quiver is nearly depleted, their tactics are known, their “game” is front & center for all the world to see.

By this point they’ve shown their hand, many of the people who initially stood against him are some of his most vigorous supporters as they finally have eyes to see-
...and ears to hear the truth of what was in store for our nation, and the lies that had been spread about him.

With every day we see proof positive that the nation is behind him: surrogate Trump Trains with 10-20,000 supporter’s vehicles popping up around the nation.

Tens -
...of thousands of supporters willing to wait in line just for a chance to take in the energy and fellowship of a @realDonaldTrump rally

People finally understand that when they were attacking him, they were attacking all of us, who they see as “eaters” and peons, the peasants -
...who aren’t a part of their vile & dark game and whose only purpose, as they see it, is to feed their corrupt machine.

But the yokes have been thrown off, the eyes have opened and the American people, once again, are fighting back against tyranny on our own shores.

“I swear
...to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign & domestic” is a part of the oath taken by military, law enforcement and public office holders, but it’s a charge that many who’ve never served in those functions have taken up and decided to FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT.

We’re -
...nearing the final stretch, the grand crescendo, the curtain call for this installment of the play we’ve all been participating in.

As the music rises, the mood increases, the tension escalates, we’re waiting with baited breath to see what the antagonists, those who’ve-
...been fighting against our hero every step of the way, will do.

But in reality, it doesn’t matter.

He has an army of hundreds of millions of us now.

People that refuse to go back to the way it was.

People who will not go gently into that good night.

Keep the faith, -

We’re nearing the finish line and the conclusion is already known for those of us who’ve been paying attention.

But it’s important that each of us remember this time, remember what has happened over the past 5 years so that we can ensure this never happens in our
...nation again.

Be vigilant, stay alert, but be happy and joyous that we’re at the place we are right now.

We’re finally getting our country back - it may be ugly for a little while as the protagonists and their street orcs launch a final attempt to grasp at the power -
...they’ve stolen, but it’s a foregone conclusion: their time being the parasites feeding off of our nation is over.

Be not afraid, Patriots Are In Control and their grift cannot survive in the Light.

But never forget how we got here, and who led the charge to getting it back
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