China's poverty alleviation program is not just welfare to the poor which destroys them in the long run. Initial phase does involve government giving money, building free houses for the destitute etc. But there are accompanying measures to pull people out of the holes
2/ they are stuck in permanently.

A task force is on the spot to evaluate the situation from 360 degrees. The cause of poverty for most regions is often the inaccessibility to the outside world. For such places, the long term government priority is the infrastructure
3/ building which connects the isolated region to the rest of China. Building roads, introducing electricity, Internet connection, modern plumbing are the first steps. This is also what China has been doing for the poor countries with its Belt Road Initiative.
4/ To break the generational cycle of poverty, education is primordial. Government invests heavily in the quality education of the young from the early age.

To provide lucrative livelihoods, the task force also studies various possibilities of businesses, preferably labor
5/ intensive which are susceptible to absorb the most local work force and which are sustainable in the long run. One village will plant fruit frees, another will build fish farms etc... and the government will use public ressources to organize or facilitate the distribution.
6/ All the villagers are trained to exercise different metiers of the chosen village enterprise. The government proposes, executes and brings to fruition the ensemble of comprehensive solutions.
Providing vocational training is part and parcel of the poverty alleviation program.
7/ Government also puts the vast resources it disposes to kick start and protect the initial business, all the while investing in the long term education and building infrastructure. Once the tailor made machine of poverty alleviation is set up and running, it gains traction
8/ and momentum along the way by itself. In a few years, lo and behold, poor people are pulled out of their holes, taken off ground and majority of them enter moderate prosperity.
China's poverty alleviation program, especially in the case of Uighurs, is maligned as reeducation,
9/ slave labor, concentration camp etc by the malicious West who, incapable of dealing with its own poor, project their own evils onto China in complete disregard of reality.

Many Uighurs used to live in extreme poverty, not much differently from the
10/ Arabic desert people bedouins. Now the greater majority of them join middle class. This is something Europe, especially France has failed to do with its Muslim population of bedouin origin.What France is good at doing is trampling on the comfort of its poor Muslims, ie,
11/ the Prophet Mohammed in the name of abstract sacrosanct secularism which poor Muslims don't even understand what it is.

Tibetans used to be slaves, their lot being worse than the American African slaves. Their way of living was not much different from the Indian low caste
12/ untouchables with typical resignation and self-defeating slave mindset. China educating them and raising them out of poverty is like Europe transforming its Rom Gypsies into European middle class... West maligns China's efforts as reeducation and cultural genocide. One
13/ knows why now. West prides itself on maintaining the Rom Gypsies eternally backward and down-trodden.

One thing is sure, the current way of living of Rom Gypsies will condemn them to perpetual marginalization and being the objects of the worst racism in Europe.
14/ What CPC has done for the desperately poor in China is nothing short of miracle. Now one understands why the poor people in China vow absolute loyalty and allegiance to the CPC,
15/ because latter acted like a savior & delivered the poor from pure misery by an intelligent plan & concrete actions. CPC beats largely Mother Teresa. CPC revolutionalized the poor.

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