Chicago's already 738,055 ballots cast, absolutely crushing its previous records for early/mail-in voting.
Chairwoman Marisel Hernandez: "Early turnout has been incredible, and we are so excited so many Chicagoans are exercising their right to vote. This is an unprecedented election for many reasons, and the Chicago Board of Elections is proud of what we've seen from poll workers ...
"and voters alike. If you still need to vote or register and vote, you can do this through the close of polls on Election Day. We have shattered our previous vote-by-mail record, and the board is proud that so many Chicagoans have decided to utilize this safe and convenient ...
*There will not be drop boxes at your home precinct polling place on Election Day. If you bring a ballot there, you'll have to surrender it and vote a new ballot in person.*

"More than 350,000 Chicago voters have already used early voting." They're open today.
Hernandez: "If you are in line by 7 p.m. [Tuesday], you will be able to cast your in-person ballot, or you can deposit your vote-by-mail ballot."

"Safety is our top priority," and they're following IDPH and CDC COVID-19 guidelines at all polling places.
Hernandez: Voters should wear masks that cover their face, including their mouth and nose, and should keep 6 feet from others while in line and when inside polling places.
Hernandez: Plan ahead and go to  to find your polling place, an early voting site, etc.
"On Election Day, voters can plan ahead and follow these basic steps to make sure their voting experience is a smooth one." First, check your voter info at . You can review your sample ballot & print it and use it as notes for when you vote in person.
Hernandez: ID is always good to have in case there's a question about your signature or status.
Hernandez on any reports of voter intimidation: "It has been fairly quiet. We have not received complaints or advisories of impending action at any of our polling places, so we have also worked with the Chicago Police Department, the FBI, Department of Homeland Security, ...
"Department of Justice regularly, as we do with all elections. We have been working with those entities to make sure there are no threats and what we need to do in the event any contingency arises. So we feel very prepared."
Hernandez: "We're expecting that this Election Night will be no different than past election nights. We have been processing vote-by-mail applications since early October, since we've been receiving them. We have not counted any ballots. That occurs after 7 p.m., once the ...
"polls are closed on Election Day. On Election Day, as we have precinct results come in ..., those will be merged with early votes and with any vote-by-mail ballots from that same precinct, and they will be reported accordingly. We expect to begin having results by 8 p.m. at ...
"the latest. We have historically had 90% of the results in by 10 p.m. And we're hoping to do the same for this election. With regards to vote-by-mail ballots, vote-by-mail ballots are constantly coming in. And they will continue to come in for 14 days after Election Day. We ...
"will be counting at least 250,000 of the 402,000 that we presently have. We may be counting more and we will be able to let you know how many more by tomorrow afternoon."
Hernandez: "Out of 507,000 vote-by-mail applications, we currently have received 402,000 vote-by-mail ballots. That does not include what we'll receive today."
Hernandez: "If a voter has not received vote-by-mail confirmation, that we have received their ballot, the voter has the option to go to an early voting site today ... or their precinct polling place tomorrow. Let the judge know, 'I have not received confirmation.' And the ...
"voter will have to sign a certification and will be able to vote provisionally. And we will, the first ballot that comes in we will count; the second ballot, because we have real time poll books, we're able to block the second ballot."
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