Who is the Supreme Being, the Almighty God, Sole Creator, the One?

This is Amen-Ra. In the so-called "Leiden Papyrus" (18th-dynasty) it is stated that "Amen, Ra, and Ptah are one and have no equal."
They are different names for the same one who is uncreated in Kushite-Kemetic spiritual science. This also includes Atum, Khnum, and Khepera. In the Kushite system this also includes Apedemak, Sebiumeker, and Iryhemesnefer (worshipped by the Greeks as Arensnuphis).
As a totality they were called "Nebertjer" which means "Lord of All" or "Lord of the Universe." Nebertjer is not distinct from Amen-Ra-Ptah but is an appellation representing His totality in Kushite-Kemetic spiritual science.
To be clear also, the supreme being was also understood as having a female expression; Amen is then Amenet and Ra is then Raet.

Amen-Ra is simply used because it was the most common short form used in antiquity to refer to the Supreme Being.
For example, in Ramesu the Great's defeat of the Hittites, he makes claim that it was the Supreme Being, Amen-Ra, that gave him the power to defeat the enemy with Kushite-Kemetic spiritual science.
It must be clear that Egyptologists are wrong as usual when they assert that Amen was only worshipped beginning with the Theban reign of the 11th-dynasty (2050 bce). Amen dates far before this time and can be found in the very beginning of Kushite-Kemetic spiritual science.
He was known before as Men (also spelled Min), who is his form as the self-created procreator. His iconography is exactly the same as Min, who differed only with the emphasis of showing his erection in the act of ejaculating the divine creative sperm of the universe.
Min is accounted for in the Old Kingdom but also before that, for He is one of the deities featured on the ivory Qustul Incense Burner from Lower Nubia that dates to 3800 bce.
This corresponds to the Kushite assertion (which even many Egyptologists agree with) that Amen is indeed indigenous to Kush. It was in Kush's sacred city of Napata and the holy mountain of Gebel Barkal that Amen was first worshipped.
In fact, the Pharaohs of Kemet acknowledged Gebel Barkal to be the very birthplace of Amen and many pharaohs, such as Rameses the Great, depicted themselves receiving the crown in the Kushite mountain of Gebel Barkal.
Last but not least, why is it that Kushite-Kemetic spiritual science asserts that Amen-Ra (which includes Ptah, Atum, Khnum, etc) the one and only supreme being for the African race?

A God is only as real as His ability to be a God for you.
As history has proven, the other divinities of Africa may have had their moment but in the face of Arab or European invasion, they all proved ineffective at making any lasting defeat of the enemy.
Amen-Ra, however, as testified by Rameses the Great, was the one worshipped by Africans when we were actually powerful enough to defeat the enemy for thousands of years!

Even the 700 year of Moorish rule of Spain pales in comparison to the proven power of Amen-Ra.
The Moors were simply used by the Arabs to conquer Spain but were heavily mixed with an Arab elite, especially after 1200 ce. The very Black race become enslaved by the Arabized mulatto Moors who later invaded and destroyed Songhai.
Thus, the Moorish era cannot be considered a truly shining light of African power in the same vein as Kemet's 4,000 years of glory.
Thus, Allah is just another on the list of gods worshipped by Blacks that have done nothing for Blacks (you can't count slave-trading muslim dictatorships as real African civilizations). Neither has the Christian religion done a thing for Blacks.
Even the many various indigenous Gods, which were once powerful, have had their science diluted to superstition and have also become ineffective in the face of Europoid and Arab invasion.
Kemet only declined when Amen-Ra was being forced to share space with false Asiatic gods who were being paid homage in late Kemet due to the new inclusion of foreigner races in the sacred temple-universities of Kemet. That was the beginning of the end.
Thus, bow to Amen-Ra (and share his space not with any Asiatic gods or find yourself as weak as the Late era of Kemet) if you wish to gain the power that made Narmer, Khufu, Mentuhotep II, Senusret I, Hatshepsut, Amenhotep III, Ramesu II, Seti I, Piankhi, and Shabaka all…
…invincible Masters of the Universe. No other deity has PROVEN to provide this sort of power which is why Amen-Ra is truly the Almighty and Sole Power. Worship Him and He will empower you like he did the invincible pharaohs.
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