Sober October is over, for some of us, but what a ride it was. Instead of drinking water and watching sermons—though I did both, too—I drank so many exciting NA beverages. Here’s my top 10 new favorite NA drinks I had during October:
1. Monday Gin Alternative

It’s Monday right now, so pour yourself a gin alternative. Why not Monday “Gin”? Strong juniper notes, spice, citrus—everything you expect from a good gin—with a decidedly bitter finish, it’s a great stand in for London Dry. 
2. Everleaf NA Bittersweet Aperitif

If Lillet was better, it would taste like this (and it would source using sustainable practices). But it doesn’t. Everleaf does. I would use this in alcohol or no alcohol drinks. Or, just drink it on the rocks with tonic.
4. Jörg Geiger Inspiration 4.5

Red wine alts are thin, figuratively and literally. But Geiger figured out how to do it right. Made with apples, wine grapes, lapsang souchong, aronia berries, and herbs, think pine fire, nettles, cranberry, and hibiscus.
5. @Drinkhoptea Chamomile “The Calm One”

I didn’t expect this out of a hopped tea, but it’s become my nightly drink. Don’t think beer, per se. Think what would happen if you mixed your IPA with a tasty chamomile tea. Light with a bite. Zero calories.
6. Navarro Vineyards Gewurtztraminer Grape Juice

Wine is grape juice. And Navarro is know for their Gewurtz. Two and two, together, best NA Gewurtz grape juice there is. Slightly sweet but a food “wine” for sure. Mix with water if you prefer less sweet.
7. Twelfth Night Cider

I tried this for my book, Mindful Mixology, and it’s money. Th weather is now perfect for it, in DC at least. Pulled from a book of NA recipes in 1919, I had to update it but it works. PM for updated recipe, or wait until I post it for the holidays.
8. Non 1 Salted Raspberry and Chamomile

Light, fresh and fruity, pét nat fizzy, yet complex enough to hold up to food. In fact, their whole line of wine alternatives are delicious but Non 1 was the stunner to me.  You can order at @drinknolow.
9. La Rhubarbelle Eclat

Made by Quebecois producer Brigitte Keszthelyi, this creamy, rhubarb juice, is made from heirloom varieties of rhubarb. It doesn’t tase like wine per se, but does the same work. Great for appetizers and vegetable dishes.
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