Today we wrote to the Prime Minister laying out urgent steps to ensure everyone in the UK is adequately protected during #lockdown2uk.

Far from all ‘being in it together’, too many people have fallen through the cracks of Gov’s response.

Our recommendations [THREAD]:
1/ EVERYONE must know exactly what we can and can't do.

Gov's messaging so far has been confusing for public and police.

Communications must accurately distinguish law from guidance – and come from reliable places we can all access, not anon sources or paywalled publications.
2/ Enforcement

🔘Restrictions must end on 2nd December
🔘Extra police enforcement powers must be minimal
🔘Public Health England must not share test & trace data with police
3/ Health & social care

🔘Stop charging migrants for NHS
🔘Stop sharing patient data with immigration enforcement
🔘Fund councils so they can maintain or enhance social care provision
4/ Workers' rights

🔘Self-isolating workers should get full sick pay
🔘'Clinically extremely vulnerable' workers should get full sick pay if can't work from home
🔘Furloughed lo-pay workers shouldn't fall below real living wage
🔘Scrap 'no recourse to public funds' rule
5/ Housing

🔘Funding to make sure homeless people can access safe and secure accommodation
🔘Make sure refuges and domestic violence services are properly funded
🔘People must not lose their homes
6/ Detention

🔘Take urgent life-saving steps to immediately reduce the number of people in prison, young offender institutions, secure training centres and immigration detention settings
Safeguarding liberties and equality is essential to protect public health. Liberty will always strive to work with the Government to make sure that everyone in the UK is treated fairly, with dignity and respect.

Read the full letter here:
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