In the survey, we randomly switched the names of presidential candidates who made a general pro-religious freedom statement. People were either shown Trump, Biden, or Both Candidates supporting religious freedom. (One group was shown no statements – a true control.)
What happened?

When the statement was attached to Trump, support for religious freedom decreased. There was considerable negative backlash against Trump.
We see a similar pattern when people were asked how important religious freedom is to them. Trump supporting religious freedom leads to lower responses. Support seemed to decrease with Biden too, but not as much as Trump.
Looking at how partisans react, we see that linking the statement to Trump enhances polarization. Democrats respond very negatively, while Republicans respond positively.
In the end, increased protection for religious freedom is not only a legal process but a political one. Tying religious freedom to thee Trump administration seems have negative consequences for public support. Regarding public support, “Trump may be doing more damage than good.”
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