When a liberal says, "You don't care about the mom or the baby once it's born because you offer no support to them”, what they are actually saying is, "You don't care about the mom or the baby once it's born because you don't support the government supporting them.”
When a liberal says that being pro-all-life means supporting mothers and babies after birth, what they are really saying is that we need to support broad, expansive govt-run social programs.

We should support welfare. Socialized healthcare. Free college and universal childcare.
Because, you see, the liberal believes that the govt is the best entity to help out the impoverished and the person in need. And like every other cause the left takes up, they expect you to accept and champion the entire progressive utopian agenda they’ve shoved into said cause.
Just bc conservatives don't believe in intrusive, expansive govt assistance for all doesn't mean we don't care. In fact, we care more than that. We care so much that we dig into our own pockets, open our homes, give of our time w/o compensation to mothers, fathers&babies in need.
Why is that? It's bc we believe that the best charity, the best assistance, comes from individuals, from the church, from the community, from the private sector, not from the government.

And for the Christian, it’s bc we recognize that God has not given govt the role of charity.
Don’t be swindled by liberals who want you to feel guilty for not loving your neighbor in the ways they dictate. You are to obey god and his word. That cannot include supporting policy that violates his law.

Actually love your neighbor. W/your time and money. Not someone else’s.
And ultimately, love your neighbor by giving the gospel.

Your neighbor, the pregnant woman considering abortion, the single mom, the dad who doesn’t want to support his child, needs the gospel more than he or she needs any of your stuff.

So make sure they get it, Christian.
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