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8 reasons why MPs should support the main food and farming trade standards amendment 16B in the #AgricultureBill when it returns to the House of Commons #SaveOurStandards 1/12
Reason 1: this amendment is compatible with WTO rules; a @ClientEarth report has outlined this. Therefore, it’s down to government to be/do better 2/12
Reason 2: it ensures big agri-exporters (US, Australia etc) must meet equivalence of our domestic standards to import to UK, but provides fairer trading flexibility for countries in the global south 3/12
We want trade that doesn’t undercut British farmers. This would happen if agri-food imports from USA etc. had unrestricted access to UK markets #BackBritishFarming 4/12
Reason 3: overseas farmers often use a lot more pesticide, antibiotics & growth hormones compared to British farmers. This is environmentally damaging & bad for human and animal health 5/12 #SaveOurStandards
Reason 4: food safety standards are often worse overseas. Americans (14.7%) suffer higher rates of food borne illnesses compared to Brits (1.5%). @C4Dispatches found animal products in America carry higher pathogen rates – a public health risk 6/12
Reason 5: the moral argument is important. Britain should encourage improvements in standards to help tackle climate, biodiversity and inequality issues at home and globally 7/12 #SaveOurStandards
Reason 6: we’re concerned government will use secondary legislation to water down or undermine UK food/farming standards. Amendment 16B gives better protection 8/12
Reason 7: it ensures Parliament scrutinise trade deals before they’re ratified. It places an onus on UK govt to set out the deals meets equivalence, and if exemptions, state the case why – this should better represent public interests 9/12 #agbill #SaveOurStandards
Reason 8: this isn’t anti-trade! Trade shouldn’t be a race to the bottom. Bad trade is bad for people; good trade can be good for people. Low-quality food isn’t something to aim for 10/12 #agbill #SaveOurStandards
Forcing British farmers out of business, or towards lower standards, is not something to aim for. We need more than lip-service from govt Ministers 11/12 #agbill
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