#原神 #GenshinImpact

[ Liyue Harbour characters name meanings in Chinese - a thread❣️]

I’m just doing this for myself because hell, these names are too beautiful to be only alphabets😭💖

(And sorry Childe😂
璃月 Li Yue

璃 means Glass/Glaze while 月 means Moon.
They add up to form the word 璃月 which symbolise a glass/gem moon that shines beautifully under light (at least that’s how I feel🌙
鍾離 Zhong Li

鐘 means bell/timepiece and 離 means separated/missed.
鍾離 is a very ancient surname dating back to the first dynasty of ancient China. It’s no longer used nowadays, but carries a very strong ancient feeling (which makes him even more mysterious)
魈 Xiao

魈 is a mountain monster in ancient Chinese myth. It is very small in size and has only one foot. It is sometimes referred as Mandrill (OMG😂
香菱 Xiang Ling

香 means fragrant, and 菱 is a kind of water chestnut used in Chinese dishes.
The whole name 香菱 just reminds me so much of the delicious Chinese dishes, I can smell the scent while reading the name.
凝光 Ning Guang

凝 means agglomerate/congeal, and 光 is light.
Can’t you imagine a cluster of light concentrating and forming this beautiful figure when seeing this name 凝光? Because I do✨
北斗 Bei Dou

北 is North and 斗 is dipper.
北斗 is the Chinese name of the Big Dipper. Since there’re 7 stars we call it 北斗七星(7 stars) Bei Dou Qi Xing in full. So you get why Beidou and Liyue Qixing have relationship like that? Because they are literally the same thing🤣
行秋 Xing Qiu

行 means walk/travel and 秋 is Autumn.
A rather beautiful name in my opinion because it is very poetic. Walking through the Autumn. It feels like he’s always with a gentle breeze.
重雲 Chong Yun

重 means heavy/layered and 雲 is cloud.
Together it means densely layered clouds. It also carried the hint of cold and shadow. Pretty much fits 重雲’s personality🥺
七七 Qi Qi

As said, 七 means seven. The 7th month in Lunar calendar is called “the Month of Ghosts” and is similar to Halloween in a way. And so 七七 makes a good name to a zombie. In Chinese, reduplicate words usually make the name sounds more cute.
刻晴 Ke Qing

刻 means engrave and 晴 is sunny.
Apart from engraving, 刻 also have the meaning of being hardworking and strict. Working hard for a brighter sunny future, hmm?☀️
I should add that Liyue Qixing 璃月七星 have those strange titles like Tianquan天權 and Yuheng 玉衡 because they are the Chinese names of the stars in the Beidou Qixing (Big Dipper). Of course they also have meaning in Chinese but I’ll leave it for now😌
That’s all I have now. Maybe when they introduce more characters, this thread will continue too...?🥺💕
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