Please keep reading thread past this first part:

I know there are people out there who claim they LOOOVVEEE something and don’t care about it past aesthetics and hype. This can be frustrating for people who have seemingly dedicated their lives to said thing, whether (1/?)
that be in time, passion, or in lots of cases (including mine) both. Yeah it’s kind of annoying, but ultimately their temporary lust for it will fade, and those who are among the most passionate will stick around for a lifetime. (2/?)
That being said, there’s also a lot of “you’re not a real fan if XYZ” or “why is this thing so popular, everyone is fake”. That’s detrimental to the people who love something or potential new huge fans in the making. I was not born in 1988, so does that erase my Beetlejuice (3/?)
dedication? Absolutely not. It’s like the HHN debate a month or so ago, there is no time stamp on when you should or shouldn’t start loving something.

There’s also people who live and breathe HHN who wouldn’t want to miss a house or experience in this strange year (4/?)
we’ve had. Even if they’re not fatal for a property, they may still value a HHN house experience and have a good time. I’m not the ride or die Bride of Frankenstein go-to fangirl, but do I love the house and casually enjoy the property? Absolutely. Did I want to get out (5/?)
there immediately because HHN is my favorite event and I wanted a haunted house or two more than anything? BIG YES.

It’s hard to say how I’d feel if I didn’t get to go through Beetlejuice yesterday. Would I have felt slighted by others for having something I “deserve?” (6/?)
Would I be devastated beyond anything else because it’s also part of an event that I have a matched passion for? Who knows, I’m just happy I got to. It’s hard to explain the feeling of one of your favorite properties of all time turning into a live action experience (7/?)
at your favorite place in the world. I think that feeling is exclusive and can’t possibly be felt by a casual fan. It’s wonderful and cathartic, and I hope you had/have that experience someday.

Graveyard Revue was one of my favorite parts of the Universal experience as (8/?)
a kid, but it didn’t encapsulate the whole movie. It is definitely an all time attraction for me, but this house is just everything I could’ve wanted. Riding and experiencing the movies is the reason I fell in love with Universal in the first place, and this house is right (9/?)
behind Jaws in terms of that. And yeah, Jaws is not a copy and paste of the movie but it still had those elements.

Anyway, this year is weird and everyone should take a deep breath. I know it’s easy to get upset. If you’re a huge Beetlejuice fan and you didn’t get this (10/?)
weekend, I promise it’s worth the wait. If you’re a huge HHN fan and you didn’t get to go this weekend, I promise it’s worth the wait. (11/?)
If you’re in the business of being mean or critical for only the sake of being mean and critical, I hope whatever you’re upset about gets better soon.

TL;DR Let people enjoy things.

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