I’m usually not very political on this platform, mostly because I usually feel
like I’m preaching to the choir, and also because I feel like there are so many people who speak more articulately about politics than me, and I’d rather retweet them, HOWEVER...
I woke up this morning thinking about my readers, and how my work has reached readers from many different religious and political backgrounds and ages, I think because the thread that runs through my books is about people coming together and caring about one another...
So if the themes of empathy, and caring, and community mean something to you, I’d really love to share with you why #IVotedBidenHarris
#IVotedBidenHarris because I care about people (like me) who have chronic health conditions and rely on access to affordable, quality healthcare. I don’t want anyone in the country to not go to a doctor because they can’t afford it, or go bankrupt because they were hospitalized
Even though I don’t have children, #IVotedBidenHarris because I want your kids, and your grandchildren, and your great grandchildren to inherit a healthy planet, and not have to suffer the terrible, terrifying effects of climate change
I don’t want to see another person lose a loved on to #COVID19, and I believe that the path to controlling the virus is to listen to the science and I know #BidenHarris believe in science and have a plan to slow down the spread
#IVotedBidenHarris because I have worked in a kitchen my entire adult life, with many immigrants, and I have never met more brave, courageous, and kind people than the people who come here dreaming of a new life, and they deserve protection and to be treated with compassion
Speaking of working in a kitchen, like many of you, I am unemployed, and afraid for my future, so #IVotedBidenHarris —for the people who want to help all Americans, not just the wealthy
You may not have ever experienced what it is like to have the courts decide your basic human rights, but I can tell you as a queer person who worries about what will happen if gay marriage is overturned, it is a terrifying feeling. #BidenHarris believe in equality
If you are worried about your finances, I would like to point out that the Democrats have been fighting for a stimulus package for ALL, and it was the opposition who held it up. I want help for the small businesses, I want help for my neighbors, so #IVotedBidenHarris
I care about our place in the world. I believe in the importance of the US being a good friend to the global community. I believe joining together gets more done than making deals. #IVotedBidenHarris because I know they will strengthen those relationships
I could go on and on, but it comes down to is this—I believe in empathy. I believe in compassion. I believe in caring about one another—and taking care of one another. And I believe that to vote for #BidenHarris is to vote for the benefit of ALL.
Time for me to engage in my own election plan, which is, since #IVoted early, to spend as much time outside (and alway from the news) as I can manage. I love you all. Be sweet to one another and to yourself. Vote with compassion.
But let me end with this—if you are reading this, and you are undecided, or if you think your vote doesn’t matter, consider voting for #BidenHarris to help someone else. Hell, vote for them to help me! But please vote.
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