There is a myth that has now been built into this election: that Trump is a miasmatic evil force, a blight that will, when lifted from the land, take with it covid. Trump IS, in this vision, covid. That's silly. But it's certainly the feeling being pushed by media and Democrats.
We keep hearing that Democrats "know how" to shut down this virus. We're even hearing that sort of language from Fauci, who is saying that Biden is "taking [covid] seriously from a public health perspective." But Biden has no solution. Neither does anyone else.
Biden is promoting mask mandates (tried in Europe, failed). He's promoting testing and tracing (absolutely useless in a country of 330 million people with 100,000 positives a day and community spread). People should act responsibly. But that's not a top-down solution to covid.
So, here's my prediction if Biden wins: the cases will spike this winter, as they are doing. The deaths will follow, but at not nearly the rate of March/April. This will begin to wane by January. Biden will then declare a mask mandate, constitutional or no.
Cases will continue to decline, as they were already doing; he will then claim credit for having crushed the virus, having actually accomplished virtually nothing. The media will play along, because the Trump-as-covid thesis is religious and unfalsifiable.
How do we know this will happen? Because the media did the same thing with Wundergovernor Andrew Cuomo, who has the second-worst deaths-per-million rate in the nation. He mandated masks on the downslope of the curve, then claimed credit for the downslope. And the media cheered.
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